1. Her Vow

Aiyla PoV

I cried and cried all my life for my broken heart and shattered life; for my pain and sufferings; for the loved one whom i lost; for the loved ones who turned their back on me; for every one making me think I'm worthless; for every abuse I went through; I deserved to be loved but I never got that love.

My family was the one who broke my trust; my family was the one who kept on breaking me until I turned into a shell, a stone hearted girl.

I vowed to never be hurt cause of my family again. I vowed I would stand for myself.

I vowed to become someone that people who thought I was worthless would fall on my feet.

I vowed to survive and make best of myself.

I vowed to never cry for the one who never loved me and so I upsurge and became the alpha female that I'm today.

But did I ever found love and happiness in my life after getting betrayed and hurt by my family?

Let's find out shall we?