Neil Fucking Departure

Aiyla PoV

I've been smothering Neil with so much phoney love to make him believe in me for the past few weeks that I've finally started loving him with a pure heart.

I was sick to my stomach pretending to love him; his touches were like serpent poison to me, making me and my body writhe in misery from within. He repulsed me to the core, and I despised being in his presence.

I tried to stay away from him and his touches, but he always found a reason to touch me or hold my hand; there were times when he tried to have sex with me, but he never got the chance. I guess God was blessing me and protecting me from this so-called evil devil at this time.

Till now everything was going according to our plan; Ronin and I had split up for the show, and I had caught Neil to repay the misery and cruelty he had inflicted on me over the years, and I had succeeded in convincing him that there was nothing between me and Ronin any longer.