Chapter 5

“WHAT?!” Seelan voiced shrieked. Just as he thought this case could get any worse; Meena had just delivered the news to solidify the fact that it can be far worse than any of them imagine.

Seelan sucked in his breath to keep his composure down but the longer he held his breath the more his mind is racing to try to put this puzzle together. He didn’t even say goodbye to Meena who was on the other line and holding her breath unknowingly and called out to Shiras and Gita asking them to follow him. The two pop their heads out of their cubicles confused; at what got their senior officer flustered but decided it was best to not question and follow him.

Meena was still reeling from the shock that she had seen before vomiting and running out of the lab; needing to breathe the fresh air after that horrifying sight. She regains composure and calls Seelan to deliver the news she just found.

She heard Seelan silently cursing under his breath and she could almost visualize him trying to make sense of what was being conveyed to him by her. The call may have lasted for 5 minutes before Seelan cut the call and Meena was left to her own. She did not want to go back to the lab and work on the body let alone explain to everyone why she reacted as such. She was contemplating what to say to her supervisor when she saw her walking towards her.

“Meena are you alright? You look so pale my god” exclaimed Ms Yew. Ms Yew is a senior pathologist who overlooks and manages the clinic. She was Meena mentor when Meena started this career. Ms Yew was very serious about her job as she found the only source of happiness there. When Meena began to mirror her reality; Ms Yew felt like she found a protege to expand her legacy. And that was what had occurred as well. Meena began training under Ms Yew and soon she too turned out just like Ms Yew.

“I’m sorry Ms Yew but I can’t come in again. Did you saw the body? It is disgusting. Honestly, how can someone be so cruel? I just can’t; I’m sorry. I have been up since the dawn of morning there’s only so much my stomach can handle.” Meena said in a huff. Ms Yew was a mentor that had taught her the ropes so to act like this felt disappointing for Meena. She felt like she let her mentor down. It doesn’t help that Ms Yew has a sympathetic smile adorned on her face. While she had no intention to be condescending; Ms Yew could understand Meena’s dilemma.

Ms Yew was like Meena; she had not been able to catch any sleep since this body came in. She left Meena to do the job as she thought Meena was capable to handle; after considering the number of horrendous bodies she had her protege trained on she thought that she would be indifferent to it, it seems even this one particular body manage to churn both of their stomachs

On the other end, Seelan was trying to contain his anger as he drives because even though this case tests him; he is still an officer and need to abide by the law. Just as he thought the case couldn't get any weirder; the call from Meena solidify it. The fact that this case goes even deeper was beyond him.

Meanwhile, Shiras and Gita are both exchanging looks with each other. Ever since Seelan asked both of them to join him for a quick trip and tension in the car began to increase since then. Shiras and Gita were looking into the victim background when Seelan called them. Ever since the car ride began; both of them have been unknowingly holding their breaths.

Letting go of his breath; Shiras plucked the courage to talk to his senior officer about the trip they were all in.

“Um...Sir," Shiras begin, "where are we going so urgently?” He asked nervously.“Oh yeah, my apologies; we are going to the autopsy lab,” Seelan said; releasing the breath he too unknowingly was holding.

“Oh the results are back?”, Gita piped. Seelan heaved a sigh as he looked at the Shiras and Gita by the mirror that hung above with a small Ganesha necklace dangling from it.“Not just results; but other gruesome details as well. Shiras, Gita, please listen very carefully to what I am going to say.”

"THE MURDERER STITCH HIS FACE ON HIS HEART ?"Both Gita and Shiras said in shock. Now Seelan felt validated that what he felt is now the same thing as what his junior officers are feeling as well. Both of them lean back the car seat with their mouths gaped trying to recover from the shock. All three of them just can't seem to wrap their heads around this.

Noticing the silence has fallen again; Shiras breaks it again by talking first. "Sir why is there a need to cut someone face so precise if they are just going to stitch to the heart. And is that even possible?" He bewildered. Seelan shrugged his shoulders to show he did not know the reason nor the possibility of that happening. "I'm not sure too Shiras but we are going there to get more. But before that have you guys found anything useful yet." He asked.

Gita piped up, "Yes Sir. The victim name is Mr Chan. He lives in Bukit Timah and he is from a very affluent family. His family own several properties and holds a share in the SCDF as well."

Seelan raised his eyebrows. For a rich man to die like this seems like a tragic way to pass but at the same time, it was all too cliche as well. It almost seems robin hood had gone rogue. Gita continued, "From what we gather he often goes to a pub after work and spends his time there. In fact, that was the last place they had seen him as well."

"Did you guys managed to track his car plate number?" Seelan asked; if this guy is rich obviously the car would be from an expensive brand which will be easier to track down. Gita shooked her head before saying, "No Sir, apparently he has a personal driver. When we interviewed him he mentioned Mr Chan always asked to go to that bar and asked him to go straight home and that he would take himself home later."

Seelan nodded his head processing the information before pulling up to the lab's parking lot. The three of them get down to go see Meena and learn more about the case.