He interrupted us just as we were about to finish. "Can you join me for dinner later?" I asked, coming to a halt. "For what?"

"The Manor feels empty; only the servants are present; do you want me to eat alone at that long table?" I was about to respond when someone knocked. A servant entered. "Excuse me, my Lord; Mister Berkshire is waiting for you outside." Mister Berkshire? Is it a friend?

"Did he say why he came?" he inquired, "No, my Lord." He then exited the cabin, and I followed. I do not want him to lecture me any longer. A tall man stood there, with dark brown side-parted hair that reached his brows and covered his brows; his brown eyes were also noticeable. Is he a businessman, or a Nobleman, judging by his appearance?

"Hey, there, Theo- Ohh, well, hello there, missy. What's your name?" He was greeting Theodore when he noticed me. "Greetings! I am Mei-" I was about to respond when Theodore cut me off.