Chapter 25

May’s POV

"I have a boyfriend.”

I can’t really believe am saying that. Starring at my reflection on my bathroom mirror, I don’t look any different. Hmm, I always assumed having a boyfriend was a huge thing that would make me look different but I don’t look any differently from how I was before I got a boyfriend. But seriously speaking I can’t wrap my mind around the fact. I don’t look different but I certainly feel different. As if all my emotions are over the place.

It’s being a few hours since Ben dropped me home. Fortunately no one home asked me about my whereabouts.

I feel giddy, happy, nervous and a little worried, all at once.

Giddy and happy because I can’t wait to see him. Nervous and worried because I don’t know what to do and how to react when I see him. Should I show my giddiness or should I pretend to be cool and calm?.