Talk to you


"XauXau, be calm. We've to be strong, we are her pillar of strength, how can we break down? Come on champ, it's just a matter of time." Su Chen hugged, Sid Xau tightly to console his best friend, less brother.

Though, ZouMi gained her consciousness and was out of vegetative state, but was still the same, neither did she talk, nor did she eat properly. ZouMi soaked herself in water for hours and hours, until forcefully taken out of the bathtub. Her room was completely dark, and she was paler than before, her bright face seems like it have been aged over 2 or 3 years, in just a matter of months, due to lack of sunlight.

"Enough of her now, how long is she planning to stay like this, is she not willing to fight? That's totally not her kind. She has to come back as the fighter, the fearsome human, she is!" Sid Xau said, as he dashed towards ZouMi's room, and was followed by Su Chen and Lui Bai. He opened the door, switched on the light's and saw ZouMi on the corner of the room and went near her.

"ZouMi get up, talk to me." No response.

"ZouMi I said, GET UP." Xau raised his voice, yet no response.

Xau hold on to her hand tightly and gave a jerk to her hand, yet no response. He forcefully made her stand, and said, "ZouMi, can you hear me?" No response.


A crispy loud sound of slap, echoed in the silent room, followed by the uproar of Xau.

"You are not my sister, you can't be ZouMi! My ZouMi was never like this, a rebel who stood and support the right one, yet here she can't take a stand for herself. What are you planning to do, huh? Just want to stay here, and set free the one who did wrong to you? You're going to spare them? Is that what you want to do?

"Torture yourself for the mistake, you didn't do? This is not what you used to say, rather you taught us to fight for the rights we have, if the opposite one is wrong, yet blame you, don't show mercy and haunt them down. And look what you are doing, blaming yourself, torturing yourself. This is T.O.T.A.L.L.Y N.O.T Y.O.U, ZouMi."

ZouMi held on to her cheek, which was paining from the slap, yet was nothing compared to the pain she was feeling in her heart, listening to her brother's word. She looked up to face her brothers and burst in to tears, while hugging them.

Seeing her in this state, it felt as if something was stabbed into their heart, and felt difficult to breath, hugging her tightly.

They cried, for who knows how long, and was distracted by the knock on the door. The maid entered, with food in her hand.

ZouMi looked at her brothers, and said "Enough, with what I did from the past 9 months, this is the new me. Like a baby needs 9 months in a mother's womb to form, likewise it took me 9 months, in this room to form a new life. What happened can't be changed, but what will happen can be planned, but first let's have food." ZouMi said, while rubbing her stomach, smile hanging on her face bright as the sun, which was more attractive as the sun rays entered into the room, as it was the time of dawn.

'New day, New life, New ZouMing'

They ate their food, with the bright smile on their faces.

"Where is mum dad, and YangYang?" asked ZouMi.

"Duffer, it's still early, have you seen the time? It's six' o clock in the morning, where do you think they could be?" Chen answered her, while ruffling her hairs.

Just then a pair of urgent footsteps were heard, coming down the stairs.

"Aunt Jo, inform mum, that I will be late today or won't be coming back, because I have an important assignment to do…" Sid Yang said, while coming down the stairs, using her hand phone.

A lady, in her early 40s, came out of the dinning room and said, "More important than spending time with your litter sister, who came out of her room, after months?

Listening to Aunt Jo, who have been working here for decades, Yang lifted her head with mixed emotions showing all over her face, happiness, shock, excitement, and said, "What did you say just now? Did I hear it right? ZuZu came out of her room? Is that true?" With difficulty and hesitation, YangYang look at her with expectation. Aunt Jo nodded.

"Ugh! Where is she? ZuZu! ZuZu, where are you?" Sid Yang ran down the stairs straight towards the dinning room, her steps came to halt, when she saw her sister smiling brightly.

The smile, which was as like an energy source, the brightest. Like a child just born.

YangYang ran and hugged her sister tightly, and said "ZuZu, I missed you, I love you." Kissing all over ZouMi's face ,with a smile on her lips and tears of joy rolling down her eyes.

"YangYang, come on, you know, I hate it, stop doing that." ZouMi said, and pushed Yang lightly, "I missed you too."

The Same time upstairs, hearing their eldest daughter loud voice, Mr and Mrs. Sid came down in a hurry, and what greeted them was the scene, where the brothers and sisters were having a group hug.

Mrs. Sid, ran towards her daughter saying, "Oh my God! ZouMi my child." Joining into hug her daughter, followed by emotional, Mr. Sid.

The family was completed, finally the light, the shine, the happiness of Sid family came back. The laugh of the angle, which has been missing from the Sid residence, finally echoed in the house and brighten the already beautiful residence.

"Dad, call Uncle Lu, I will talk to him, and narrate, what actually happened that night."

"Are you sure, dear?" asked Mr. Sid, while patting her head.

"100 percent sure, dad."

"Okay. I will call him right away." Said Mr. Sid, while getting up and making the call.

"Hello, come home soon, ZuZu wants to talk to you." A gasp was heard from the other line, followed by a loud voice.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? ZuZu wants to talk to me? Oh, my! I'm coming."

Fifteen minutes later, a car with an alarm, similar to police, halted at Sid residence.