Master Mo.

One would think, that life is easygoing for the other. But, you never know what they have in their plate.

Life-- Unpredictable, unimaginable, and realistic. A proper definition to a simple word life. Isn't it ironical.

The saying, 'When life gives you lemon make lemonade' but, what if the lemon is sour, then the lemonade would be tasteless or even worst. Sometimes, it's better to leave the lemon aside and wait for it to grow properly. 'Time' the ultimate healer.

But, in Zou Ming's case, time was just being passed, like a living corpse, so to wait and plan for the revenge.

It's been a month, since the judgment day, all of them got on to their daily life chores. The news of ZouMi's case was like a wildfire and now is settled down.

During those months time, one fine day on breakfast ZouMi said, "Dad, I will continue on my karate and boxing classes, but the old trainer is not that good enough. Will you find a better one? It's been long since I have worked on my body. I just want to get busy with something, there's nothing good happening in school, and you are not even allowing me to enter the office, I'm just too bored!"

"That's a good thought. I will right away give a call to Tina. And about the office, stop complaining, ok. Enjoy, you're too small to enter into that matters, I don't want you to get involve in those things. You have your dreams just follow them."

"Ok, dad and this is the n'th time you're saying me this." With a mocking face, ZouMi got up kissed her mom's forehead and left for school.


Many new academies were sorted out, one such fine academy, Mo Bin academy, had some strict rules like student's should be punctual to classes, exact 5 in the morning, and never misbehave... The list goes on.

Master Mo Bin is an ex-military men, and a tough nut to crack. When ZouMi heard the intro, she readily accepted as, so she was waiting for this.

First day at Mo Bin;

"Hello excuse me, it's my first day here may I know what or where I have to go or do?" ZouMi asked the member wearing a black t-shirt with bold letters as Mo Bin, indicating they work here.

"Wait for Master Mo." A short and blunt reply was given to ZouMi's question and not even looking at her.

'How rude Hmfph!' Screamed in side her head, but didn't dare to say it loud.

Sitting on a bench, ZouMi started observing the moves of the students practicing. With every corner she swept her eye only one thing came to her mind, 'WOW'. Waiting patiently for more than 5 hours, Master Mo, was done with his practice session and got down from the ring. Seeing him getting down, ZouMi rushed towards him to bow a little showing her respect and said, "Master Mo, I'm Zou Ming, I came here long ago and was said to wait for you..."

"Come tomorrow." with his Master Mo left.

'Huh? Are everyone rude here? Don't they have manners? Oh! Even I'm like them, never mind.'

With this ZouMi left and came back the next day at exact 5 in the morning without a minute delay.

The same treatment was given to her for a week. But she didn't complain, rather she sat quietly every day, observing every move and used to practice at home on her brothers, they willingly slender in front of her.

After a whole one week finally she was noticed. A crew member came near her, before she could speak, a hand punch came flying in her way she dodged it by moving the other side. Again, came a hand in a manner to slap her or to hold her, she hit on to his hand joint easily, because she was observing the moves of every single person and one of them did this. Trying her luck with her strength she did send a few attacks, but where only on joints like the back part of knee at leg, or stomping on his foot. She couldn't understand as why the hell did he suddenly showed up and started fighting.

'Oh sh*t! I'm losing my strength, God what the heck is wrong with him. Ouch, not on my face noooooo...' Screaming in her head, she tried to block his move before it hit and give a scar on her face. But, surprisingly the move didn't come, slowly removing her hand and peeping through the gap of her finger ZouMi noticed Master Mo, standing beside the crack head man. ZouMi quickly regained her posture and bowed a little to show respect to Master Mo.

A pat was felt on her head, she raised her head and was surprised to see it was Master Mo.

"I thought you were just a kid interested in material art and would probably give up soon, tired of waiting. But, you surprised me by your attitude, the way you used to come daily point on time, observing and even memorize the move." Turning towards the 'madman', he continued, "This is one of my best disciple, Si Ban."

"I'm sorry, you would be thinking, I'm a madman. Suddenly appearing and started fighting, it was the Master's order to do so." Rubbing his neck and smiling awkwardly at her and continued, "I'm Si Ban, nice to meet you."

"Hello senior, I'm Sid Zou Ming."

"Sid Zou Ming, I think I heard this name somewhere, but where I'm not accurate."

"Properly in news, the youngest daughter of Sid family"

"Oh right, umm... I'm sorry."

"Not a problem, you can pay your sorry by teaching some moves."

"Enough of your talks. Come here and start practicing this is what you think your coming here to do? To chitchat or what?" Scolded Master Mo.

Smiling awkwardly after the scolding, both of them got on to the ring and started with their practice.

As ZouMi was trained before she need not have to start from basic, a little warm-up would do.

After practicing for a continuous three hours. ZouMi sat down or more accurately fell on to a nearby bench to catch some air.

'UFF, that was tiring, but I enjoyed.' Said ZouMi to herself.

"Zou Ming, come here Master Mo is calling you."

Regaining her senses ZouMi rushed towards Master Mo's room and hissed in pain.

'Oh, muscle cramps, another sh*t to deal with. I really need a painkiller and a better sleep.' With this thought ZouMi entered into the room.

The room was spacious and simple. On a wall there were medals hanging and certificates, of course of Master Mo's victory. A desk in the middle, where Master Mo was on his seat.

Bowing lightly, ZouMi said. "Master, you were looking for me?"

"Yes, now that you have achieved what you wanted doesn't mean you will be forgiven for any mistake. To have to focus on your stamina and strength. I already knew about what happened to you, but don't worry, I'm not going to show any sympathy on you, because I can see that on your face, you need no sympathy. And also that's the only thing you hate the most, am I right?"

"Master, sure have the ability to see through the fact. I surely won't disappoint you in any manner."

With a smile and happiness, after so long finally she can do what she wanted. A pretty good step for a bright future with this feeling Zou Ming headed to home for a good night sleep.