"Sigh... Four years passed by, I still couldn't gather the courage to go and see her. What a coward I am! I couldn't see her face every time I attempt to do nothing comes useful, next time I will show up!"
"And this is the same line you have been saying for the past four years. Why is it so difficult for you to show up to her? I think you both are quite in a similar situation." Came an elderly voice from behind.
"Grandpa, if I suddenly show up wouldn't she hate me? And I can swallow being an unknown to her, rather than the hate."
"So, why not you find out who that girl is and vow her. What say?"
"What if she doesn't like me. I'm scared of knowing her real identity, what if..." was stopped mid-sentence by an angry voice.
"Enough of you're what if's and but's, if you let her like this, the next time she may come with her boyfriend or worst husband. Then sit in a corner and curse yourself. You may be happy at that time!" Grandpa already knew that the girl was ZouMi, and on top of that she is the second daughter of his daughter best friend. And grandpa has made up his mind long ago to be his grandson cupid and let both of them fell for each other, then only he could die peacefully.
"Now enough of you standing here, go and get ready we will be heading to your aunt's best friend's house tomorrow evening."
"Ah' ji?" The old man nodded his head. Seeing this, he was overjoyed and excitement was all written over his face. When he was here in City A, till he turned six, he used to play with her and her family, and not to forget she was an amazing chef. Later she gave birth to a twin, but so sad he wasn't able to play with them, the day of their birth was the day he was going abroad for studies, he always felt lucky he was able to see those adorable baby's. Being in connection for so long, he hasn't met those little adorable kids, but had heard a lot about them and just couldn't wait to see them all grown up and of course to eat his favourite aunt's hand-made cookies.
"Ugh! I need to sleep early, how can I go just like this to meet my Ah'Ji? I don't want her to see me with dark eye bag and dull face, I need a good facial." Murmuring all this to himself he wished his grandpa 'Goodnight grandpa', he left in a hurry to be presentable in front of his Ah'ji.
"Stop acting like she is your girlfriend!"
"Grandpa she is more than a girlfriend to me, you won't understand it. I got a go byee~~"
By the time ZouMi returned home, it was past nine, and all of her loved ones were waiting for her in the living room. Seeing her coming, Mrs Sid got up and said "ZuZu, freshen up I will go and heat the food and all of you wash your hands and be on the table."
"What did to just said, Mom?" ZouMi raised her eyebrow and questioned her mother.
"I was saying to the maid to heat the food." In a really sweet voice she tried to cool down her daughter. And 'better' was all that she got in reply, having a relief sigh she sat down after ordering the maids.
ZouMi was always very careful, when it comes to the ladies of her family, she wouldn't let her mother enter the kitchen as for YangYang she isn't the one to cook, she is too good at eating. Only she and her brothers were allowed to cook, if they want. If her mother wants, a cue of cooks would be present in front of her.
"Mum, we're not kids why do you have to scold us like this!" Biting her lower lips, YangYang complained.
"You aren't even near, to cute. It's more like cringe feeling to see you like this." Xau rolled his eyes just to annoy his easily pissed elder sister.
"Did anyone asked you to speak? No. Until someone asks you to open your garbage as mouth shut it. Oh! What an insult for garbage to be compared to you!"
"Di, that was over the board but, I liked it." ZouMi said and both the sister ended up rolling on the floor, while laughing.
"Hmfph, heartless. How can you say that to innocent bro of yours!"
"Innocent? Huh? Who? You? Hahah, that was a blunt WASTE joke." Emphasizing every word loud and clear ZouMi turned around and left to her room.
Later, during dinner the same scene went on, the siblings pulling each other's leg, either in union and sometimes single-handedly. After dinner, as it was rare that ZouMi was home this early and not even working, so everyone decided to watch a movie. And the horror one, while Xau is light heart human he is scared of ghost, that's what his sisters think, but wasn't true at all. He just loves to see them smile while they do the mischievous things to scare him. Putting on an act of protesting for a good few minutes, eventually did what was meant to be done. Both the sisters sat left and right of their brother, while Xau in the middle. The movie was interesting at the beginning, but later on was boring, as both the ladies were tired of the long day they fell asleep on their brother's shoulder. Xau let down a blanket on all three, and he to fell asleep.
In the middle of the night, ZouMi's phone ranged waking her, she quickly answered it in fear of waking up her siblings. Seeing the caller she was sure something wasn't good, and that was the truth hearing from the other side, ZouMi's face was ink-black she replied with an 'Ok' and ended the call.
Getting up from the couch, she went into her room, packed her suitcase and left a note on the fridge for her family. Stating she has important work to look after abroad and would take week's, so don't worry, with this she left.