
The light in City A was bright even at six o'clock, the interview held the attention of almost the city. This wasn't a simple interview, the company which was topped number twenty over all the country in just, a mere four years of span, was enough to attract attention. And this was the first time in four years the rumoured heart-less wicked President was showing up. The interview was held in LB hotel, the largest one in City A. All the reporters from the various top most media companies were present, some commoners were also allowed to enter, but were separated by a large glass window.

It was a live interview and would start by six, but it was past six and there was no sign of the President, curiosity rose in everyone every minute seemed like an hour. Holding onto their breaths, all they could do was patiently wait for the President.

After fifteen minutes, the door at the stage and finally opened which had hundreds of eyes lingering on it for a long.

From the door, an elegant looking young lady probably in her early twenties, entered. The charming oval face with almond shape eyes, sharp nose, perfect red plumy lips were too much for everyone, like an Angel directly send by God, himself. Seeing her once wouldn't be enough and definitely would turn around many times, but still won't be satisfied. The nobility would be seen in her walk like a Queen the strong intimidating aura around her was enough to scare out everyone, many won't even dare to be on one meter of her radar.



Pure perfection!


Well, would these praises end here? Not. With the black office suit, the ponytail long curly hairs falling past her chest was a mesmerizing scene. Her perfect slender body was eye-catching, walking towards the stage she sat down holding a mic near her, she said,

"Good evening everyone, thank you for joining us here, as you already know why you are invited here, let's not waste any more time and let me introduce myself, I'm Sid Zou Ming, the President and designer of 'Me&U'." The soft voice surrounded the entire silent hall, leaving again the audience dumbstruck for a while. That voice so soft like music ranged in everyone's ears.

Truly rumours can't be taken seriously, but will they don't?

Men drooling over her magnetic voice, some women were envious, while some won't mind changing their gender just to mingle with this beauty.

'Oh Gosh!'

Soon after the introduction, the reporters started with their questions one by one.

'You're too young, how did you handle all this?'

'Was it difficult?'

'How were you able to manage the company?'

With every coming up questions ZouMi rolled her eyes inwardly. 'Dha! It was difficult, are these questions asked by adults? Do I look like superhuman or what? Stupids'

Just then a really tough, yet calm voice came from the second row stating, "We all know it wasn't easy at all, but you managed to top with your academics along with handling the company. So, you already missed your most prestigious college life, do you have any regrets?"

Locking her eyes with the reporter in the second-row corner of her lips rose upward while hearing the familiar voice, well that's my Sis.

"Complaints, but no regrets"

"Complaints? Like..?"

"Not spending enough time with my loved once."

Another person raised his voice "What do you think about love?"

"Is there anything to think about love? I never knew that." With an astonished expression ZouMi looked at the reporter.

Feeling a little awkward the reporter cleared his throat and said, "What I mean is, do you have a love life? Or do you believe in love?"

"Well, I haven't planned about that not even in the near future, but what's there to believe in love?" Except for answering his questions she even questioned him back.

"Many don't think about love when they are pursuing their work, do you plan to fell in love?" Yang explained his word's boldly. YangYang has been working in this media industry for a long and there is no one how isn't aware of her, almost half of them fear while others admire her for being brave and bold, she already has quite a lot of awards for her bravery and intelligence. She is an all-rounder reporter, but today she specifically wanted to carry on with this interview leaving others. Many reporters were intimidated by her appearance and lost hope of trying to question because many questions were mostly asked by herself only and no one dare to cut her off.

"Plan? Love is just another name of faith, I don't plan anything for my life, because faith already has its plan. So let's wait for my faith to do its work." 'Because faith won't ever work in my favour', ZouMi didn't voice out her last sentence, but still, it was shown through her eyes, she was a bit sad. This sad emotion lasted merely for a second. This sudden change of emotion didn't escape from YangYang's eyes, and she was angry, shooting a cold glare at the reporter who asked this question, YangYang was willing to punch or just kill this idiot. Sensing the cold glare on his back, this sends a chill down his spine, he didn't even dare to turn. He was terrified to the extent that he slowly stood up and walked out.

Everyone knew that they both were sisters but, during this interview, one thing was clear these sisters set their personal life aside while working. It was past eight and the interview finally came to an end.


On another side of the world, a man in black trousers paired with a white half sleeve t-shirt lazily sat on the couch while holding his i-pad and watching the interview.

"The second brother, when is the first brother going to come? It's been long when we last met him." A man in his late thirties asked, out of curiosity.

"Old'pal tell me did you had a liking towards him? I never knew you could be turned on by men's?"

"Ahh! Second brother what are you saying, it's just... forget it." Passing him a blue file. And continued, "Here are the details you were asking for." Feeling a little awkward, he tried to change the question. Though he was one of the higher-ups in their gang, none had ever seen the first brother's face, their first brother like to keep his profile hidden. His overbearing manly voice and those sharp eyes are enough to keep their curiosity in check. But the second brother wasn't that cold.

"Keep here and go."

"Mm, second brother, do you like this second miss of Sid family? I have seen you quite a lot of time looking for her or either her designs."

His eyebrows arched like a sword while staring at the old man in front of him. Sensing the upcoming danger dude to his stupid mouth old man quickly stood bowed and left in hurry.