My destination

'What the hell am I thinking?' Shaking his lightly head, he removed off those dirty thoughts coming in his head.

"Ahem..." Clearing his throat he continued, "I'm not lying, it was a meeting of all media head members, where she is a shareholder of some other company, and she needed to be there that's when I got to know her."

"But, how did you guess that she is my sister?"

"Who don't know about you both after that interview? I was shocked a little, we talked for a long, but she didn't mention you at all, that was something I didn't get. She surely should have recommended you for a higher position based on your relation, but she didn't." He just wanted to talk to her, the topic that could activate her, was about her sister only.

"We very well know, how to keep our professional and personal life a part, neither she invades my profession nor me. We have confidence in ourselves, we don't relay on others."

"That's interesting, mostly people take advantage of their family. Why not you both then?"

"Exactly you are talking about 'people' and we are An sister's, there's a lot of difference."

"An sister?" Seeing her real side, MaoHo didn't want to stop talking.

"I don't like to give the surname of my grandparent, so I just give my dad's name."

Unknowingly his lips lifted upwards in a short smile. Looking at her innocent face, warmth filled his heart, which his soul was looking for.

YangYang raised her head and was devastated looking into his black iris, she felt her soul was being pulled like a magnet towards that eyes.

She quickly, withdrawal her eye's in fear of being misunderstood.


"Huh?" YangYang looked at him in confusion.

"Why don't you give Sid, which is your first name?"

"Family conflict."

"Oh!" As the club wasn't that far from the office, they reached there within twenty-five minutes.

"Thanks a lot Sir, I owe you two favors."

"You can repay it by having a meal." His eyes opened wide in shock at his own word's.

"Yah, sure whenever you are free." She answered with a polite smile.

He sighed in relief that she didn't mistake him and agreed.

She thanked and walked a bit and realized she was being followed she abruptly stopped. MaoHo wasn't ready and bumped into her back, to protect his nose he turned. His cheeks touched her soft back and the smell of her perfume or the shampoo, he couldn't differentiate, but smells like sweet mint, this sends an electric current all over his body.

"Sorry... Sorry I didn't mean to..." YangYang turned around and started explaining him, but was stopped midway by him.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't concentrating on the path."

Blinking in confusion she just looked at him waiting to clear what he meant. But, heard nothing.

"How long you going to stare at me like this?"

"... Uhm… No, are we going to have that meal today?" she asked in hesitation.

He lightly chuckled and said, "Don't worry, not today, I'm not going to spoil your plan. We can arrange our meal later." He paused and continued, "This was also my destination."

With this they parted their way and went to their own private room's.

YangYang met with her brothers and some friends too, they chatted and by midnight, nearly all of them were drunk and was leaving.

YangYang excused and went to the washroom, while coming back she felt dizzy and bumped into someone.

"Sorry." She was about to leave, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her backward. With this sudden pull she was jolt awaken and realized she was in a great trouble. A middle age men held her wrist tightly, strong smell of alcohol covered him.

Struggling to free herself, she pushed him, but was too weak to match his strength. This struggle agitated the man holding her, and he slapped across her cheek.

"Be good, so that both of us can enjoy, if not only I'll be enjoying." He said in a dry voice. YangYang felt disgust and kept struggling.

He leaned closer to hold her jaw tightly with the free hand and was about to kiss, but a strong punch landed on his face sending him backward and fell onto the ground. Looking at their boss laying on the ground his bodyguards dashed towards them to attack.




Back to back, kicks and punches were thrown on and the three bodyguards, that fell on the ground moaning in pain. In her half sober state, she saw a familiar silhouette standing in front of her.

The man turned back to YangYang and concern in his eyes was visible.

"Pr... President." YangYang fell into his arms and hugged him. Socked to the core by a sudden hug from her, he put a hand on her back and in a clam voice he said near her ears, "It's totally fine now, you are okay. I'm here." Either his words or his soothing voice, not known YangYang tensed nerves calm a bit. Her cold body shivered, soft sobs were heard from her. Seeing her in this state, pain was all he was feeling, it was an unknown feeling to him. His eyes turned dark and a thick murderous aura surrounded him.

Listening to the sound many came up to see the show, Xau and Bai who were looking for her rushed towards the source of voice like lightning.

"Gege." Hearing her brother voice, YangYang pulled away from the hug and turned towards her brother.

"Are you, okay?" Scanning her from head-to-toe looking for any injury, Xau pulled her closer and hugged her, calming her down.

Xau and Bai guessed by the scene what had happened, looking at the man in front, they thanked him and left with YangYang.

He stood there for who knows how long, the background voice became dull, his eyes glued on the way where she left.

"Sir your hand." Ashton, his assistant shouted looking at the blood on his boss, he didn't know how did his boss got injured, while he came to use the washroom.

Coming back to reality he finally noticed his bleeding hand. Taking out his handkerchief he tied it on the wound and left the club with his assistant straight to the hospital.