
"Well, I know you since high school, and chances of you meeting her is nill, because you aren't from the same field, neither your family is connected, then how?"

A shy smile formed on his lip while saying, "She is my childhood sweetheart."

"Huh? Can you please elaborate, since when?"

"She was my neighbour, my bench-mate, and my sister's old friend. So, we know each other."

"I don't really want to break your confidence, but I don't think she knows, who you are. You said, she was in your neighborhood and also bench mate, and who the hell, don't remember their bench mate, huh? And top of that, she is your sister's friend, don't you think you've been neglected all the time? I know you looked like a ghost, during your school time and no girl would look at a ghost, looking boy. Looking at the way she talks to you, I don't think she knows you. Now keep your lies aside and tell me the truth." Ash folded his hands near his chest.

"Fine... She didn't even notice me the whole school life, on last day we all were giving gifts to each other and I gave her one, she didn't accept, because she didn't know I was from the same class. That was when I got to know, she actually didn't know me. I promised myself to change and reappear in her life, but I was too late, when I was going to approach her, five years back, she had a boyfriend. I just let it go when I saw her smile so brightly with him. But, that day when I saw her on my channel, that feeling again grown in my heart."

"So, why did you wait all this long? You could have shown up. Why wait for four years?"

"Because, she had a breakup three years ago, I know her she won't accept any love story until she made a name of hers. And patience is all what love wants."

"How do you about her breakup? Did you investigate? How come I don't know about it."

"I don't investigated, I met an old friend at that time, which happened to her friend, till date."

Rolling his eyes on his friend he said, "Liar. Everything aside, how are you going to vow her now?"

"Haven't planed yet, I want her to first have a crush on me. And I'll make sure to change that in love."

Ashton laughed and said, "That will definitely take too long, maybe you may get her in your next life."

"I know you're jealous." MaoHo glared at him.

Raising his brow at his idiot friend he said, "Jealous? Of whom? You? Hahaha, you who have been single and virgin since birth, thinks I'm jealous of you. Dream on." Knowing MaoHo for long, he knew his nature very well, he won't be the one to make the first move, and he is truly confident or probably overconfident of his looks. Well, he is handsome but, his EQ is.... that doesn't exist in his dictionary.

"Girls don't like men like you, who don't even know how to express their feelings. Come on, and say as soon as possible, if not aunt Wu will kill me for not arranging a girl for you." Pausing for a while he got an idea and said, "Why not tell aunt Wu about her? She will help you."

"Help and mom? She will mess up everything. And last time, I left the chance, but this time I won't."

"Best of luck friend." Giving him a thumbs up, Ash got up and left the office.

In the evening, as it was time to home YangYang packed her things up and was ready to go. Waiting for the lift, she met with MaoHo who was accompanied by Ashton, she smiled at him. When he was about to say something, YangYang phone ranged looking at the caller she felt happy and immediately answered the call.

"What, you are here? Okay, I'm coming." A sweet smile on her face was all MaoHo was looking at. He raised his brow suspiciously, who is that human, that gave a smile on her face just by one call. Boarding the lift together, MaoHo was secretly looking at her blissful face, which somehow send a wave of happiness to his heart, along with jealousy.

A white luxuries' car stood at the entrance of the building, and leaning on it was a tall handsome figure wearing a black vest and a matching suit, a white shirt underneath with open button of his suit. As YangYang stepped out, he lifted his head, looking at her his chiseled jaw lifted with an attractive smile on his thin lips. He looked charming and smart, his brown eyes reflecting gentleness.

YangYang ran towards him, and he extend his hands, to let her embrace him. YangYang fell into his arms, while he patted on her head gently. After a minute she freed herself from him and looked at him with narrowed eyes, and said something earning a light chuckle as a response from him. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder opened the passenger door of the car and let her sit in, and he walked towards the driver seat and drove off.

Unknown to them, someone stood still like a statue on the entrance, emitting cold aura from his body, his eyes looking at the car which left. Ashton chuckled at his friend's expression, he knew he was jealous, if eyes could send daggers, then that men would have been dead by now.

Tapping on his friend's shoulder, he whispered near his ears so that only he could hear it. "Congratulations, your ship sank even before its sail." Trying his best not to laugh at his friend.

"Shut up." His angry voice echoed at the entrance.

With a grumpy expression he left the office, straight to the bar. Sitting alone at the stool his brown suit unbuttoned his messy hairs, his red eyes showing how heavily drunk he was. A girl in a blue off shoulder dress sat across him, she smiled seductively and placed her hand on his thigh. Jerking her hand with full force she fell on the ground he shouted at her "Who gave you the right to touch me, you ugly creature." Listening to his harsh words, her eyes turned misty, she isn't that hot and gorgeous, but not even ugly.

Just then Aston came in and helped the girl up and send her off, he turned towards the jealous men, totally in control of alcohol. "Get up, it's too late. Aunt Wu is worried about you."

"Get the hell out of here, I'm not going anywhere."

"One Margarita, please." A familiar sweet voice fell onto his ears, he turned towards the source and saw.....