You really changed.

When she was done with her work, it was lunchtime by then. She sat on her chair, lost in her thoughts, not noticing someone entered in her office, without knocking.

A tall figure, in a casual wear, leaned on the closed door and observed the girl sitting on the chair, who was lost elsewhere.

"People tend to ignore the presence of others, when they are in love, and I'm witnessing it now."

Jolted by sudden voice out of nowhere,YangYang stood and the sudden impact made her fall on the floor.

"Bai, what the hell, when did you came? I didn't here any knock." Patting her chest in, which her heart was beating like a drum, trying to calm it.

Walking toward the sofa he questioned "Do I need to?"

"Ahh.... look at me a fool, from whom I'm expecting manners, you? Leave it. What are you here for?"

"Don't play, tell me who is he? Your boss, right?"

"Huh?" She looked confused and asked, "What?"

"The one you were thinking of was your boss, right?"

"None of your business, why are you here?"

"Answer my question."

Totally ignoring the nagging king, she turned towards her computer and started working. Being ignored he didn't feel anything, he approached her with light steps and stood at her back.

"You have always been a slave to your emotions, suppressing them. Open up, you may find happiness." Bai patted her shoulder.

She fell in a daze and replied subconsciously, "Result of opening up, had hurt me deep and I don't want to get hurt again."

"Falling in love, and getting hurt are part of life. Balance should be maintained, if you lose one, that doesn't mean your life is done. May be, someone better is here for you."

She laughed, patting on his shoulder she said, "When did you become so sensible? Now what's the matter why are you here?"

"Just missing you." Saying this he spread his arms to hug her.

"Ugh! Get out, don't, I said don't."

Ashton, who was about to knock heard her protest and entered without a second thought. His imagination went wild and thought something bad is happening inside.

"Leave her or else I will bet you to death!"

Both of them was shocked seeing him approaching them with a rod. YangYang quickly stood in front of Bai trying to protect him.

"Ashton, what are you doing? Keep that aside, he is my brother."

After listening to her, he stood still on his spot "But..." he misunderstood, so he quickly apologized. "I'm sorry for interrupting, I misunderstood. My bad. President was looking for you. Thank you." In one breath he said what he wanted to, and left.

The brother and sister looked at each other and laughed.

"Let's eat dinner at Lumain tonight. Call us when you knock off we will be waiting. Bye." Bai said and left too.

One hour later after completing her work, YangYang set her hairs looked at herself one last time on her phone screen and left her office to CEO's office. It was already informed to her not to knock, so she directly entered the office and was shocked by the scene.

A girl in her mid twenties sat near him, too intimate, moving her hands on his shoulder giving a light massage. An unknown feeling raised in her heart, it was suffocating her, as she looked at the scene. Not wanting to disturb them, she left and went directly to her office, she felt something stuck in her throat, which was difficult to swallow. She took her belongings and left the office in her car. She sent a message to Ashton, saying she wasn't feeling well, so she needs half day off and then texted her brother, lying about doing over time, and then she switched off her phone.

Unknown to the disaster in his life, he who was enjoying a massage from his sister, waiting for YangYang to come. To his disappointment, Ashton informed him about what YangYang said, which got him worried. He tried calling her, but her phone was off. Sending her a message to take care, he didn't think much, but his sixth'sense was saying something was wrong, but couldn't point out.

YangYang drove in high speed to her flat, which she brought not long ago. Feeling devastated she sat under the shower hugging her knees. She knew she like him, and thought the same from him, but after seeing him getting close to someone else, she was sad. After an unknown time, she finally came out of the bathroom and slept.


After handling the matter of the Australian gang and Northern leaders, the second brother was sitting on the bench of their base, looking at the sky in daze. Someone sat beside him, he didn't even lift his head to see, who was it because he already knew.

"How do you manage to do this?"

"Do what?" A sweet voice echoed in his ears, which somehow calmed the storm in his heart. He lifted his head and looked directly into first brother's eyes and said, "You really changed from the first day I saw you."

Closing his eyes, he laid on the grass placing his head on the bench and replied, "Life is meant to be like this, changing, moulding yourself, but never losing."

After a long silence between them, finally second brother said, "Zuzu..."


"Nothing" Again, the silence was maintained between them.

The last day, he saw ZouMi smiling was the day her sister got the job. Later on with that one call, which changed everything in her life. Uncle An, met with an accident and went into coma for two years and is in vegetative state till now.

Seeing her dad in that state, ZouMi was like a statue for days, until her uncle Sid Bao came all the way from County Z to meet her. Saying her to emerge the company with the Sid enterprise and let it be as it franchise. ZouMi, understood what was going on, she who was in daze for three days finally spoke after listening to him.

"You're behind this?" Not getting any answer from him, was his answer, he passed an envelope to her which had two documents', one was taking 'Me&U', as Sid's subside and the other was a document sign by Sid An, to transfer the company, making her the CEO. Sid Bao was confident to destroy the whole An' family, who he took as his revival. But, the result was totally opposite to what he thought.