Someone close to me?

After ZouMi came to her cabin on 8th floor. She sat down when Tina, her assistant came in and started reporting all the work and projects, held in the last three weeks. Though she worked at the base, she still has a pile of things in her plate. After reporting every detail, Tina hesitated for a while then finally said, "Zou, the actor Gu Huan is here. Wouldn't you meet him?"

"Is he worthy of my time?" But she remembered something and waved off Tina. ZouMi took her phone and made a call when the call went through, cutting all the greetings she directly asked, "Mom, who is that guy in our house? And how do you know him?"

"You met Ah'hua, great. He is my childhood friend's son, Xu Cin, you already know her."

"Aunt Cin? When did she have a son? How come I never knew about this?"

"Hah! He was small when he went abroad with his grandfather, that's why you don't know about him."

"Oh! I see, meet you at dinner mom. Goodbye."

Later after the call ZouMi emerged herself into work, for who knows how long, a knock disturbed her concentration, irritated she said to come in.

"Zou, this files is of Los Angeles property our team has survived it and there is no problem."

"Ok, keep here."

Though Tina is three years older than her, but working with ZouMi for long she knows her in and out, so she didn't mind with her rude attitude. When she was about to leave, ZouMi called her and said which almost made her pass out.

"Bring that guy here, you mentioned me this morning"

Though she was confused, she still moved her head up and down, showing an approval sign.

Tina went down to tell him personally that he has been called by the President.

"Mr. Gu, our President likes to meet you." Who ever heard this, stood still like their foot nailed on the floor in shock.

'What! Our President wants to meet some film star? This never happened'

Gu Haun, who was selecting some clothes turned around and said, "Okay."


While it was a bright day, someone out there was in a gloomy mood, being ignored and treated as the same as the others from her haunted him the most. MaoHo stood near the French window gazing at the beauty of A city, but in no mood to admire. He was so lost in his thoughts even didn't hear the knock. After a while the person knocking came in, his back was facing the door, so he didn't know someone entered, until the familiar vanilla scent fill the room. He turned around to see if he was hallucinating or it is real, to his surprise it was real. The person he was longing was standing in front of him. He strode towards her grabbed her hand pushing on the door and leaned on to her.

"Mr. Mao what are you doing? Leave me." with a blank tone YangYang struggled to free herself.

"YangYang, what's the matter? Is something wrong?" His voice was so soft unlike the one in meetings, for a second YangYang was in daze.

"What are you saying Mr. Mao?" still struggling to free herself.

Every time, he felt as if his heart was being stabbed when he heard the 'Mr.Mao' in her blunt tone.

Placing his hand on the side of her face, he creased her red cheeks affectionately with his thumb, then pushed her hairs to the back of her ear. They were so closed that they could feel their breath. None of them spoke, just looking into each other's eyes. YangYang was pleased with the warmth in his eyes, when he was looking at her, she told herself not to be fooled by some stupid stuff. Finally, YangYang was running out of patience.

"Mr. Mao you may have nothing to do, but I have. Can you sign this papers, so I could return to my work."

"YangYang, what happened?" Still the voice was so soft that YangYang almost lost herself in it.

Getting no response he continued, "YangYang why are you doing this to me? Giving cold shoulder, not accepting anything from me, nor speaking to me. Tell me, if anything is wrong, is someone threatening you?"

YangYang burst in laugh and said, "Mr. Mao, you think I can be threatened that easily? No. And what's with you? Are you someone close to me? My brother? My friend? My cousin? Again a big fat, NO. Maybe your image isn't that important, but mine is, so please behave yourself or else I will sue you." Her tone gradually changing from sarcastic to serious.


"Miss Yang, it's Miss Yang for you, Mr.Mao."

When he heard this, his black eyes contrast he let her go and turned around to his desk and called his assistant. After thirty seconds Ashton came in.

"Ashton, from now on Miss Yang will be my personal assistant, you have to help her out."

Her eyes widened, when she head this, 'What? Now I have to see you with all the cheeks roaming around you. No way!'

"Thank you, Mr.Mao. But, no need, I'm happy with my position."

"Did I asked you to voice out? Do as I say."

'Mr.Mao I know you're the boss here, but just wait to get out I'll show you, who I'm actually!'

"Yes, sir." Reluctantly she had to agree. Cursing him a thousand times in her mind, she followed Ashton to the secretary area. She took her phone out and taped on it in frustration.

'Zu meet me at my office after work.' She sent a text to ZouMi.

Within a matter of time there was a reply, 'Are you, okay? Is anything wrong?'

'No. Just meet me, and I hope you bring a car with you, after the last experience on your bike I have no mood to sit on it.'

'[Laughing emoji] Come on, that was fun.'

'Yes, for you. I have no plans, meeting death angles, so soon.'


A smile hanged on her face looking at her phone. But, the one in the office wasn't in a good mood.

'Who are you talking to, while smiling so brightly, you never did this with me.' He thought to himself.

Getting up, he took his coat and went to the secretary area.

Keeping her phone aside, YangYang was doing her work, which was assigned by Ashton, when someone tapped on her desk. She raised her head to see who was it. She had a feeling to roll her eyes on him, but restraint herself and smiled.

"Anything that matters, SIR."