Ol geezer

When YangYang reached office, as usual a figure stood at her parking slot daily. She wished to hit him, but controlled herself. After parking her car, before she could open the door, the door opened from outside and a man extended his hand towards her. Slapping his hand away, YangYang collected her things and came down, the man tailed her like a dog.

"Mr. MaoHo, do you know, you are annoying?" From the day, he met ZouMi, his behavior totally changed towards her. He acted as a caretaker for her, with no sign of the old rude MaoHo, when he is with her. But, he treated others the same as he used to. Her office was arranged right beside his, and he would enter, whenever he wants.

MaoHo, totally ignored her words and tailed behind her, after getting confirmation from her sister, he need not think of anything, except of making her fall in love. But, it's easy to say than to do, her previously broken heartache, isn't healed yet, and she fears to trust anyone, which he was well aware off.

Not getting any reply from him, irritated YangYang, and she hit her elbow in his stomach it was light, but he hissed in pain. The kick, which ZouMi gave, was so powerful that he had to visit the doctor and his stomach has buries that will take time to go.

"Are you, okay?" Seeing the pain reaction on his face, YangYang got worried.

"Are you worried about me?" He felt at ease, when he saw the worry in her eyes.

"You wish. Hmfph!" And she entered her office without glancing at him.

He was at times annoyed by her rudeness, but the way she treats him is different from other males, which made him feel giddy.

When he was about to follow her, Ashton his assistant, came up with a file, which required his attention.

'I'll let you off this morning, wait till lunch, Honey!" He promised himself.

YangYang had a smile on her face, it would be a lie, if she says, she didn't like him. She is happy to see him, wait for her every day, but she fears to take a step, in case of hurting herself again. With a smile, still hanging on her face she started working.

After a long morning meeting, ZouMi sat on her chair in her office and stare in disgust way, at the red card in her hand, which looked like an invitation. Si Ban entered her office and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I had a doubt of seeing that bastard in office, now it's confirmed by looking at your disgusted look." He said and sat leisurely on the couch. "So, what it is this time?"

"That old folk wants to invite me for his 40th birthday party."


Mockingly, she raised her lips and replied, "For what else, except to send me, as a gift to one of his filthy business partner. Just for the sake of help for his not, so long business."

"Hahaha, that old geezer thinks he can fool you? He doesn't have a brain, all his plans never succeeded, from the past four years, but still he can't upgrade. Still, following the same old useless tricks." Si Ban shook his head.

"Let him do what he wants to, after all he doesn't have enough time!" With a cunning tone and devilish look, she sneered.

"So, you're going?"

"Of course I'm, how can I let down my own uncle." She narrowed her eyes, which means she had already planned for the worst.

"You surely are a devil in disguise."

"Anything that matters?" She asked massaging her painful temples, not at all offended.

"Are you, okay? Let's go to visit the doctor. Does it hurt a lot?" Seeing her massaging her template, he panicked.

"Shut up I'm fine. What's in your hand?" she deliberately changed the topic.

"Oh, this! Nothing new same as usual, threat for you to leave your CEO position, then they'll let your family free."

"A new one, what's the latest count?"

"Including this, it reached to four hundred threats, from the day you took over the CEO position. But this one is different."

"How?" Curiosity raised in her.

"They'll set your house on fire and let your family burn. Which they think is easy, they wish."

"This old..."

"It's not from that old geezer, our team is tracking it."

"Oh! New one, good enough. I'll be bored soon with that old geezer Bao so, I need a toy anyway." ZouMi looked pleased.

"Why don't you give Gold Dem to yourself, so no one will mess with you?"

Gold Dem, is a card which is given to the families by D, which are clean and not involved in any wrong matters. And no one in the business world, can act harshly on them. It's a card, that many upper families carry. It's not easy to catch hold on it, one need to be totally clear from all the illegal stuff. So, basically this Gold Dem is a protection from the harmful world, as long as they are in wings of D, no one will dare to touch their family. If one don't obey the rules set on the Gold Dem, first their whole family will be dragged down, and then there won't be any traces of that family in the world.

"Gold Dem? No need, I don't want any connection of D with Me&U." She rejected.

"Why?" Si Ban looked confused.

"If we do so, anyone will start investigating about, how I got the Gold Dem and ultimately my truth will be revealed. Which is the last thing I want!"

"How can that happen, you always have better plans, when you leave for the base, so no one can think of something fishy."

"There maybe loopholes, which I'm not aware of and anyone can find them." She shrugged her shoulder.

"Fine! By the way we need to go back to base, there is something Fen, won't be able to handle."

"We'll see it later, I can't go back, so soon. Xau, is someone not to be fooled easily, he doubts about me going frequently. Let's wait for, at least a month."

"Okay, as you say." After that ZouMi emerged her brain in computer, while Ban sat on the couch instructing Fen.