Devouring on the Devil

"Y.... You've extra sensitive sense?" Quite shocked.

"Yes, I'm sorry this wasn't intentional."

'Is this a coincidence or what? Someone can be this familiar? How can this be possible?'

Seeing him in daze, ZouMi waved her hand in front of him and said, "Hello, earth calling Gu Huan."

"Yes." He came back to his sense.

"Why do you blank out, while staring at me? This is the second time, you blank out." She asked, curiously.

"No, I was thinking of something, forget it. Are you, okay?"

"I'm fine. But why?"

"No, you just screamed calling your dad, did you have a nightmare?" Followed by his words ZouMi, let go of his hand and moved a bit. Her expression was something hard to guess, sad? Regret? Anger? All at once or none.

"Are you hungry, do you want to eat?" Seeing her like this, he knew she didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the topic.

Forcing a smile, she was about to reject when the door opened and Si Ban came in with a container.

"Thank God, you're awake. Please, make a call at home, and I told them that you've to greet some important guest and now staying at the hotel to accompany them." Si Ban sighed, at the way how her family members, bombarded him with all sort of questions.

"I'll do that, but what's in your hand?"

"Oh this, Aunt send it for you, she told you not to sleep on empty stomach and prepared your favorite. Have it."

ZouMi took it causally, until she saw the narrowed eyes and an expression undefined on Gu Huan, face. She understood what was that look, it said, 'Look, now you want to kill yourself?'

She didn't dare to make an eye contact with him again.

Si Ban saw this, and in the last 24 hours, this is the third blow on his brain. He, who knows, ZouMi for long, the fearless, badass, with her head always high, was now actually avoiding eye contact?

'Who is this person? Where did he come from? Should I kowtow to him? Is he a God, devouring on the Devil?'

Si Ban became a big fan of Gu Huan, and worship him like a God, who tame the Devil, that he knew would never be controlled by anyone.

ZouMi ate with her head down, and she could feel the stare from Gu Huan, which made her uncomfortable. This is the first time, she is in this kind of situation, where someone except of her father is bossing her around. And she who hate a bossy nature, and actually is a boss, feels odd to face the same she does. But, why is she letting him boss her around? Why does she, the one who never said sorry, to someone out of her family, is saying sorry countless times to a person, she met countable time? But, the most disturbing thing right now is the image, which appeared, when he kissed her.

After having her lunch, ZouMi called her mother and brothers and assured them a hundred times, that she would be back soon. Xau wasn't on the screen, and she knew that he is searching for her location.

"Xau, you don't need to let your brain work so much, you can directly come to Melbo hotel, if you don't trust your sister." She remarked.

"It's not about trust, I just want to make sure you're save." Xau said, with concern in his eyes.

"Even if you track me down, what can you do? Stop being a stalker, I'm fine, was and will. No need to worry about me."

"But, our company is not so, great for you to be busy all the time, meeting unknown guest and traveling around. This makes me curious."

"Hahah, all your doubts will be cleared on 20th of this month. Now, I've to go, I'll talk to you guys later."

After hanging up the phone ZouMi sighed in relief.

"Xau, is hard to convince, do you think this will work?"

"I know him like the back of my hand, he knew something is fishy and want to find out what it is. But, for now we're save, just need to wait till 20th."

"You need to look over some loop wholes, when are you going to do?"

"Sigh... When Gu Huan, isn't here, call that doctor, I'll deal him in my way"

"Are you scared of that guy?" Si Ban raised his brow at her, while she narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"Me? Scared? And where did you get this illusion from?"

"It's not an illusion, your actions shows, you treat that guy differently. Mind telling, what is the reason behind this?"

"Treat different? Can you elaborate…"

"You never said sorry to anyone, yet to him. You never hang your head down, yet you did this in front of him. You hate someone bossing you, yet you don't mind him being bossy. If this all is not call treating different, then what it is? I remembered a guy who bossed you at the start, and he is now paralyzed, if this is not called treating different, then again, what it is?" Followed by his words ZouMi fell into deep thinking, she knew what Si Ban, said was true. Deep down in her, she can see that she is treating him differently, but why? This is what she isn't able to understand. But, now there are a lot of things, that are important and need her attention, so she brushed her thoughts aside.

ZouMi, was about to say something when the door opened and Gu Huan followed by the doctor entered her room. During the check up Gu Huan didn't move an inch from the bedside, and ZouMi couldn't do anything to the doctor.

"Gu Huan, can you go out for a while I need to talk to him."

"No need, whatever you want to talk, do in front of me." Si Ban, had already told him what ZouMi, could plan and said not to allow the doctor, when he isn't around.

"There is something, I can't talk in front of you, so can you g..."

"Don't waste your words and energy, I'm not going anywhere." Gu Huan sat on the couch and picked up a magazine.

ZouMi glared at the doctor, trying to tell him to discharge her.

"Stop glaring at him." Gu Huan voice came from the side.