Is lunch ready?

She trapped him in her arms, and they both gaze at each other. They were so close, that he could see his reflection, in her clear black eyes.

"How dare you ignore me? No one in this world had ever ignored me, neither blackmailed me!" ZouMi was furious.

"It's you who fell into this, did I ask you to?" Gu Haun was calm.

"Don't twist the word's, you know I don't want my family to know."

Earlier on the dinner table, Gu Huan texted ZouMi saying, 'Fine, don't drink. Let's see how Ah'ji and your brothers react, when they'll know, you'll mostly die soon...'

"That's your problem, not mine."

She wanted to fight, but... She then realized, they were so close and quickly retreated. Furthermore, she stomped her feet and left to her room.

"She is cute." He muttered to himself, while looking at the direction, she left.

ZouMi entered her room, and she realized someone actually won in a game of words, with her! Her deep thoughts left, when her eyes fell on the painting in her room, her legs moved naturally towards that painting. Near that painting, a canvas and board was placed.

"This crab is waste. Even after this long years, I haven't found you, where are you, mister?" ZouMi muttered to herself.

This painting, was none other than, the one four years back, 'Ao Mi' famous painting, 'MindMe'. ZouMi, has been trying to paint the same painting, but wasn't satisfied with the result every time. She replaced the board with a new white sheet, picked the brush and emerged herself in the painting.

Time flew, and it was time for lunch, but there was no sign of the door opening, which was closed from the morning. Gu Huan waited for her and after a long time, he got up to straighten his cloths and walked towards the room. But, was stopped by the butler.

"Sir... Hmm, is there something which I can help, you with?" The butler was in late thirties, and he looked quite nervous and stuttered.

"Nothing, you can go." Gu Huan said calmly, and started walking.


"Uncle, what's wrong?" Gu Haun found odd with his behavior.

"Actually, young madam don't like being disturbed, when she is in her room. So..."

"Don't worry, she won't say anything to you."

"But Sir..." By the time, he was finding words to stop, Gu Huan already reached the door and raised his hand curling his fingers to knock. Instead of feel a hard door, his figures came in contact with something soft. He looked up and saw ZouMi frowning at him.

"What are you doing?" Pushing his hand, which knocked her forehead hard, annoyingly. Well, not actually annoyingly, it sends her a weird sensation and just wanted to move it off.

The butler was shocked to the core, 'How come Young Madam came out, so early? All by herself?'

"Good, that you're out by yourself." Gu Huan's other hand held the fingers, which came in contact with her soft skin.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Was calling to you, for lunch." He said, as a-matter-of-fact.

"Are you that free? Don't you've any work?"

"Right now my work is to... hmm." ZouMi placed her hand on his mouth, before he could complete his sentence. The most trusted butler of her mom was right behind him, if he said anything now than her secret would be revealed.

"Ya, I know your work. Now move, I'm hungry."

Well actually ZouMi, was distracted by the birds in her garden and lost all her mood when her eyes fell on the painting, she did. That was the worst and an insult to the original design.

Gu Huan was impressed, but that was not the case with the other human, near them, butler Jin, he was totally horrified. First, his young madam came out of her den, second she spoke to someone, third she had a skin contact with a male!

'Is this the end of the world? Are we all dying? If Young Madam, had done all of these then surely this is the end...' His over thinking show, was stopped by ZouMi.

"Uncle Jin, is the lunch ready?"

He awkwardly cleared his throat, as he was certain that his young madam won't come out, so he just wanted to make something for the guest.

"N... No, Young Madam. I'll prepare in sometime, tell me what do you want to eat?"

"No problem, Uncle Jin, I'll make it myself. You just prepare the ingredients."

"Okay, Young Madam." After he left, ZouMi turned to Gu Huan who was utterly shock till now, and glared at him. "Next time, when you open your mouth, make sure no one is here. If I haven't stopped you, my secret would've revealed." She lectured him like a student.

A Minute ago, when Gu Huan mouth was sealed by her hand, but the sensation caused by that, sealed his entire body, his brain got shut, while his heart accelerated. He didn't come in sense for a long time, until ZouMi left the living room and entered the kitchen. Gu Huan hand subconsciously found, it's way to the place where ZouMi, touched.

'That touch, that soft hand, hmm... Why did it feel, so familiar?' He brushed off the thoughts and walked towards the kitchen. To witness a blue apron tied on the slim waist and ZouMi's hair tied in a loose bun, like a professional chef. He stood there, examining the focused figure, well the saying, 'men look attractive when concentrate' just don't apply on men, but also on women.

"Need any help?" He asked.

"Yes, don't show your face." ZouMi said, bluntly not even lifting her head.

"Okay!" Gu Huan casually said, and moved out of the kitchen.

After some time, a figure appeared on the door, seeing that, all the servants present and the butler's jaw dropped to the floor.

'WHAATT! What the hell...