I missed you!

After four hours, the deal was finally sealed and as a formality, they shook hands. When YangYang, extended her arm to shake hand with Mike...


Shattering of cup resound in the silent room from the corner of the table, and Mao Ho quickly stood up from his place and walked towards them with huge steps and shook the extended hand of Mike, while shoving YangYang hand to the side. YangYang suppressed her laughter and acted calmly, while Mike just stare at her. Mao Ho anger skyrocketed, when he saw Mike eyeing YangYang, he applied force on the hand holding Mike's, Mike flinches in pain when his hand was squeezed.

"Mr. Moa Ho, it's great working with you and Miss Sid..." was all he could find to say when his hand was in pain.

"Miss Yang." YangYang herself correct him, to be said both the sisters hate the surname 'Sid', and rarely shut when called by that.

The meeting ended on a not so happy note and everyone was back to their work. YangYang went back to her office and busied herself with work, but this was not the same in the adjacent room, it was chaos there!

MaoHo was walking in panic up and down, right and left.

"Can you stop now, you're making me feel dizzy." Ashton hissed in low voice, who was being tortured from the past four hours, after one hour or so it will be the end of working hours, and YangYang didn't talk to him even after nagging her for so long.

As the working hours were coming to end, YangYang finished her work and started packing when a message popped up on her phone.

'Be ready for the show.'

She chuckled and kept her phone in her bag and walked out gracefully straight towards the elevator.

Ashton, who saw her immediately reported to Mao Ho, about her departure. When Mao Ho heard this, he got up and followed the path to the elevator.

Both of them boarded the elevator and Ashton also joined them, he won't miss the show obviously.

His friend was disturbed, since the meeting ended and placed up and down, mumbling to himself like retard. When Ash asked him he said, he saw YangYang texting someone while smiling, which was why he was disturbed. It would be a lie, if Ash say he didn't enjoy his friend's misfortune. But, Ash was happy seeing his 'abnormal' friend, act a little normal. Ash always saw, MaoHo as cold and indifferent human, mainly towards the other gender. It's rare to see him in such a miserable state.

As the elevator reached down, noise would be heard. It was time to go home so, most of the employees were leaving. But some, mainly girls stood in aww and admired. Listening to their conversation YangYang had a light smile on her face.

'Oh My God, my eyes are so blessed. Where did this God come from? I want to marry him.'

'Thank god, I was going to take a leave today but dropped. If not I would've regretted it.'

'Oh! Just look at his car isn't that the latest model BMW?'

'Oh, yes. It is!'

'But, who was he here for?'

'Yes, I've never seen him here.'

An Endless voice echoed in the lobby and Mao Ho was more nervous or angry, he wished whoever he was, isn't waiting for his YangYang.

As they reached the entrance, what greeted them was a thin man lazily leaning on the gray BMW. His perfect lips pressed together forming a thin line, arc shaped brows and those dark deep black eyes like a calm ocean, anyone would feel like seeing in them. As YangYang and Mao Ho both adjacent to each other came out, the man leaning on the car straighten up and spread his arms.

'Ah! I wish that hands were spread for me!' Almost, all the girl's had the same thought.

YangYang grinned from ear to ear and with large steps walked towards the man and fell into his arms, while the latter embraced her tightly.

"I missed you, Yuan." YangYang squeeze him a bit. Mao Ho who was still in shock and took quite a good time to digest that this damn hot, good-looking man was waiting for his girl, and she... She just fell into his arms. His anger skyrocketed and walked towards them with one hand, he pulled YangYang away and his other hand formed a fist and was about to hit the man. But, the latter just held his fist calmly even with the force he applied. YangYang stood there, without making any sound.

But... the handsome man raised his fist to hit Mao Ho and YangYang quickly leaped towards him.

"Dear, no don't. Let's go." And jerk off his hand, holding Mao Ho's.

"Who is he? Why did he just do that? And how dare he touched you?" Mao Ho got triggered, when his hand was jerked off.

"Mister, keep your voice low." In a deep, yet low muscular voice, which held like an order, the man commended. And then he slid his hand onto YangYang thin waist and pulled her towards him.

"Let's go have dinner in your favorite restaurant." YangYang leaned on his shoulder and blinked her twinkling eyes innocently and smiled. Kissing on his cheeks, she said, "You're the best!"

The Last bit of rationality, which was left in Mao Ho was gone, anger and jealously took over him. And was about to pull YangYang, way when that man held his wrist and said, "Before showing your force, clear one thing to me. Who the hell are you? Why are you here questioning, my YangYang about whom she is with? What relation do you have with her?"

Mao Ho wanted to protest but... He was at loss of words. Who was he to YangYang? No one! He has to first make a relation with her, then only he would be able to ask her.

When he was in his thoughts, the car in which YangYang and that man entered zoomed off. Ash tapped on Mao Ho's shoulder and said, "They are long gone, let's go." Mao Ho in trance just nodded and followed him.

In the car,

"Wasn't that too much?" YangYang asked, while looking in the rare view mirror, which showed the long gone lonely figure.

A soft voice fell on her ears, "Gege, he needs to understand, that he has to make some efforts. Just claiming that he loves you, isn't enough."