He is...

"We're home" ZouMi announced.

Gu Huan fell in deep thoughts when he heard this, 'Do I've a place called home?'

ZouMi got down from the car and walked towards the side of YangYang. She placed her hand at the back of the neck and one hand under the thigh and swiftly carried her. Gu Haun came out of from his daze and offered,

"Let me carry her"

ZouMi glared at him and said, "You're a man, how can I let you carry her?"

Gu Huan just sat there looking at her in shock, ZouMi easily carried YangYang into the mansion. Aunt Jo was in the living room, when she heard the footsteps she looked up and was shocked.

'Who is this man is carrying YangYang? Oh, God! He is so handsome, wait... a boy carrying YangYang and ZouMi would be here soon. Oh no, what do I do' Aunt Jo was having a panic attack thinking about the disaster is ZouMi see's a man carrying her sister. Aunt Jo has worked here for ages and knows everyone very well, thus she was now in tension.

ZouMi saw the anxious look on Aunt Jo's face but didn't say anything and just carried YangYang upstairs.

"Hey! Who are you?" after a long Aunt Jo snapped back to her senses and questioned, but was too late the figure just vanished upstairs. Aunt Jo quickly claimed upstairs and straight went to YangYang's room. She tried opening the door, but to her dismay the door was locked from inside. She thought about the worst scenarios and started panicking. Aunt Jo knocked on the door several times but no answer, she just stood by the door.

Inside the room,

ZouMi carefully placed her sister on the bed and stare at her for quite some time. What she said in her dizzy state started buzzing repeatedly in her ears.

/'Don't touch me, it feels disgusting.'


'Thank you so much'/

'What had happened? Why was she mumbling that?' was all in her mind right now. Of course her brothers didn't say anything about the incident happened the last time they visited, High Wink. She just knew they went there through the chats, after thinking for long she just ended up with saying to herself that she would ask her sister when she is sober. ZouMi got up and went near the door connecting to the washroom, she came out with a wet towel. Sitting down at the bed, and she wiped her sister's face carefully, after that she help her change her dress. When done, she kissed her sister's forehead and wispier, "Good night, sleep tight, Love."

YangYang held her hand and mumbled, "Dad..." because those are the words which their dad used to say every night. ZouMi was sad after listening this, she carefully removed her hand from YangYang's clutch and held the chain hanging on her neck, "Look, everyone misses you. Mr. An why are you so stubborn?" she whispered lightly. When ever ZouMi wanted to talk to her dad, she just held the locket and say it. Her father is the most important to her, her role model, her love, her mentor, her best friend and her guide. She really misses him to the core of her heart. Dis-hearten she walked out of the room and say Aunt Jo still standing there. She glanced at her and said, "Sleep early Aunt Jo, it's not good to be awake this late." She said in her original voice. Her mother and all the servants had never seen her male disguise, and it was evident for them to be shocked.

Aunt Jo just stood there in shock when she heard the voice, "ZouMing?"

But the figure just vanished again, for who knows how long Aunt Jo stood there until a light tap on her shoulder woke her up. Turning she saw Gu Huan standing beside her, his hands carelessly tucked into his pockets.

"You are ok Aunt Jo?" concern in his voice visible.

"That.... The.... Man..." she stuttered for long.

Gu Huan chuckled and said, "He is ZouMing, don't worry and sleep" In daze Aunt Jo nodded and walked to her room.

Gu Huan came into his room, after a good shower he lied down on the bed and stare the plain sealing.

His thin lips moved and after a long he mattered, "Home..." His expression didn't hide the loneliness and his voice was hoarse. The phone on the bedside ringed, he turned over and looked at the caller and quickly answered the call.

"Grandpa…" Before he could complete his sentence he was cut off by a roar of an old man.

"You ungrateful brat! Do you even remember you've an old mam? Is this how you behave? Where are your manners?" Gu Huan listen to all the blames quietly. After a few minutes he calmed down and when the old man didn't hear anything from the other side he said, "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, grandpa. How have you been?" he asked softly.

"I'm good, what about you? Are you doing well?"

Gu Huan nodded, "Yes I'm fine. When are you coming?"

"Last time at the last minute I'd something to attend, so I wasn't able to make it. I've talked to your Ah Ji, and will be there by this weekend." Like a good listener, Gu Huan patiently heard everything.

"Are you taking your meds?"

"Yes. Leave about me, let's talk about you."

Gu Huan saw a headache coming when he heard the tone of his old man. "What about me?"

"You brat, when are you going to give me a great-grandchild? Have you found someone?"

"Grandpa, good night, I've work to attend."

"Don't..." before the old man could continue, Gu Huan hanged up the call. Sighing in relieve he set his phone on silent and toss it a side. Turning, twisting in bed for some time he wasn't able to sleep, so he got up and went to the couch which had a blue file on it. He took it and went out of the room.