Suits you

ZouMi looked at him. He had removed his mask, his oval face, paired with his hazel blue eyes, looked so, pure and innocent. How can she say no to his cute eyes? She has been a slave to beauty, she thought she was immune to cuteness because of her bothers, but now it seems wrong. She totally can't reject those beautiful eyes, filled with innocence.

"Okay, fine." She annoyingly got up and shut down her computer. "Wait for me." She said and walked towards the door, which was her resting area.

Gu Huan was shocked when she agreed just like that, he thought he would have to urge her or stick to her for long, but she agreed...

Not long after, ZouMi came out she looked bewitching, draped in total black outfit, with her waterfall like hairs left open. A black mask in her hand, she moved the strands behind her ears that fell on her face. He was captivated by her look, he saw her in either her office attire or loose t-shits, this was the first time him seeing her dressed like this. ZouMi made a call to Tina, informed her to delay her work for today, she put on her mask and looked at him, who was also looking at her.

She raised her brow at him, she found his gaze a little weird.

"Black suits you." He wasn't stingy with his compliments. ZouMi's lips under the mask curled up a little, nevertheless she looked unaffected.

She shrugged, and said, "I know, let's go"

She turned towards the opposite direction of the door, Gu Huan followed her, he wasn't surprised at the hidden pathway in her office, because he already knew about that. But ZouMi didn't know about that, she was definitely surprised as to how calm he was. Soon, she regained her composure and started walking ahead. Si Ban was already waiting for them near the car, Si Ban nodded at them and hand over the car keys to ZouMi.

"We can go in my car." Gu Huan voiced out.

"No need, mine is safe." ZouMi said, and boarded the car.

'Safe? We are just going to shop, not to fight' He thought to himself, but didn't say aloud. He shrugged and boarded the car.

"You have any place in mind?" ZouMi asked while bucking her seatbelt, she gestured him to do as well.

"I'm not familiar to any place here, lets go with your suggestion" ZouMi nodded and started the engine. The ride was silent, a peaceful one, as if two old buddies not needing words, just vibing in silence. A soft old western classical music playing in the background, they both enjoyed the time. Not long after, they reached the mall, both of them got down, and immediately caught many eyes. They had different kind of aura around them, with their face covered, they looked more captivating. Walking side by side, one dressed in all black, while the other in gray t-shirt, black trouser, they both looked equally stunning.

They passed many stores, but didn't stop, Gu Huan find it odd.

"Hey, we are here to shop, not to roam." He softly said near her ears. ZouMi stopped and looked back at the store's which they passed and at him.

"You're not someone who would wear something funky, you look mature, and 'Zina' would suit you best." 'Zian' is an international brand, which have classic and a hint of retro style in their collection. Gu Huan was shocked at her analysis, its true he likes wearing light colors and 'Zian' was one of his favorite brand.

"H… How did you know that?" Gu Huan looked at her in disbelief.

ZouMi said nothing, just seized him from top to bottom. She is a keen observant, even if she looks like she didn't care, she does, for the one near her. With this they ended up in 'Zian' which was almost empty with only three or four customers. Right now, ZouMi was standing in front of a rack checking some shirts, while waiting for Gu Huan, who was in the trial room. She was in daze, thinking why she agreed to him, when she hated shopping in the first place? Why she would always give in easily to what ever he said? Why...

There are many 'Why's' but the answer to them are none. ZouMi's defense wall, always had been strong, but with him around, that defense wall just die down. Few minutes passed, and the door opened, Gu Huan removed his mask as they were at the corner and no one was around.

ZouMi looked at him, she didn't have time to look carefully at him. Indeed, she has to admit, he is handsome, he had sophisticated mien and possessed a flawless face with outstanding looks, nothing in him could be pointed out as flaw, from his perfect 'all time kissable' lips to the sharp jawline. Clearly, even after being so, secretive he had fans in billions. The most attractive feature was his hazel blue eyes, anyone would want to deep into them. His perfect elegant and graceful posture, she could see his abs outline from that fitted thin white shirt, three-piece light brown suit, suited him well.

"Master Gu, you're handsome on the next level." Caught off guard, Gu Huan wasn't expecting any complement from her. Though he had been getting since childhood, this complement....

He was happy, his sexy lips stretched up into an arch, making him alluring.

ZouMi cleared her throat, and handed him two more suits, one in maroon color, other one in dark blue. "Hmm, you look good in this. Try this also."

He accepted and went in to change, ZouMi started selecting clothes for her brothers. They shopped till five, until Gu Huan's stomach grumble dude to hunger. He was embarrassed, ZouMi laughed and then passed the shopping bags to the bodyguards. Gu Huan didn't know they were followed by bodyguard, to attract less attention, the bodyguards were dress casually, and looked like normal citizen's.