Those drunk men weren't qualified to fight with the founder of 'D', the most ruthless and dangerous organization, ruling the underworld.
"Beauty is hot and also hot tampered, let us give you some warmth."
All the five pounced on her together, ZouMi didn't move an inch, she stretched out her hand, and twisted the neck of a man, then she kicked two men in their groin.
"Want to fight and die, or going to help them?" She looked at the two men, shaking in fear, they quickly bent down and kowtow to her. Without turning back, ZouMi placed her hands in her pocket and left.
A figure moved out from the dark, with amused smile on his face. Gu Huan who haven't left, saw her wandering, those five men came and teased her, he wanted to go and help her, but before he could take a step, she had already taken them down
Yet again, ZouMi has won a bigger place in Gu Huan's heart.
ZouMi wander on the streets, till her legs went numb, she hired a taxi, back to home and into her room. She took a long bath, and lied on her bed. Even after being tried for the whole day, getting drunk, ZouMi still tossed on the bed from left to right. Frustrated, she kicked the blanket and got down from the bed, and stood near the window, the curtains were still down, ZouMi just gazed at the curtains not wanting to move them. With her phone clutched in her hand ZouMi's back facing the window, she went to the ground with her head placed on her knees. Her thumb scrolling on her phone screen, she was reading her old chats with Gu Huan. A faint smile plastered on her lips, she clutched on the locket with other hand, closing her eyes she went into deep slumber.
On the other side of the window, Gu Huan sat there, his back facing the window and his head supporting on the window, he gazed up in the sky. Gu Huan had followed ZouMi from the bar to home, he walked meters away from her, noticing her every move. He came to his room, freshen up and lied on the bed, tossing around he couldn't sleep, so he came out in the garden. His legs moved on its own and brought him near the walk through window connecting ZouMi's room, he crouched down, soon he drifted in deep slumber.
With just a glass window, their world was separated, their heart connect, mind different.
Two days passed by, neither ZouMi nor Gu Huan talk to each other, the day after tomorrow was going to be the day of Sid Bao's birthday. Sid Bao came again, and was treated in a worst way, this time someone attended him, a beggar, with rotten biscuits and coffee filled with only water. Sid Bao handed the invitation to Si Ban and left after five hours, with a sour face he left her office.
Si Ban knocked on ZouMi's door, who was analazing all the data on her computer.
"Zu, are we going to carry on with Gu Huan?"
"Noting is going to change. I was going to deal with Gu Huan, but now you're the incharge."
"Okay." After a pause, Si Ban hesitantly asked, "What's going on between you and Gu Huan? Did you both had a fight?"
Si Ban waited for her answer, but no sound came from her. ZouMi's hands dancing on the keyboard, as if she didn't hear him. Si Ban sighed, these past two days, whenever he brought Gu Huan, ZouMi would ignore him. He turned around and left.
ZouMi lifted her head, the moment Si Ban left, she wasn't willing to talk about Gu Huan. They both have been ignoring each other, the reason was still unknown. She was never trapped in a situation like this before, and she didn't know how to react, should she talk to him or ignore him? Finding the latter option a bit suitable, ZouMi opted it and started ignoring Gu Huan. Truth to be told, every single cell of her body was screaming for his attention, everyday on dinner table, when he didn't look at her, she wanted him to, she wanted him to talk to her.
Even if she is brilliant, even if her minds works faster than a normal human, even if she has knowledge of the relation between a boy and a girl, she sucks at the gamble of emotions, love. The novel thing within her was disturbing her, way too much, that she would distract from work and stare at nothing.
"AHHH!" Frustrated, ZouMi held her hair in her hand and gave it a tight tug, "Miss An ZouMing, focus, this is what you were fu*king waiting for." She lectured herself.
"Get the fu*k out of here." Seeing the person who knocked, ZouMi was more than irritated.
"Bro chill, who got on your nerves, now?"
"Mr. Su Chen, if you're tired of living, try triggering me." Given no head to ZouMi's anger, Chen came in and sat on the sofa, crossing his legs he looked at ZouMi. "What's wrong with you? You're behaving like a madman from few days."
"At least I'm better than a blind, like you." Chen pressed his lips, no one can beat ZouMi in words. "Why are you looking for me, for the second time?"
"Sid Bao is tracking me down."
"How do you know about it, hm?"
"You! You already knew about that and didn't warn me?"
"What? Sacred?"
"It's not like I'm, but... it involves RanRan." ZouMi kept quiet, wanting to continue him. "I think she is up for something, she is acting weird after we came back and also I saw her meeting some guy." Of course, she would behave weirdly, ZouMi had made sure that she shouldn't get her drugs, her addiction has gone over head and symptoms are visible.
"So? By now, you already know that she isn't favored by me, if you're here for any help regarding her, get out." ZouMi pointed at the door.