They will.

The day went busy and long for both Gu Huan and ZouMi, day after tomorrow would be Sid Bao birthday. ZouMi planned to stay at home for a day, she was recently too busy either with herself or the office. After coming back from the office, ZouMi was greeted by lazily lying Xau, Chen, Bai and YangYang on the couch, while her mother's homemade cookies smell linger in the air. She stood quietly at the side, watching them all having a good time together. A pleasant smile linger on her face, subconsciously her hand automatically moved to the locket hanging on her neck. She remembered that her father used to watch them from the corner, as she is doing.

"Child, won't you go in?" The elderly voice from the back startled her. She turned back, Elder Xu was standing with a walking stick in his hand, with a sweet, welcoming smile on his face.

Wasn't he back to his hometown? How come he is here? Having many questions in her, still, ZouMi respectfully greeted him in a low voice.

"Elder Xu."

"Good child, didn't I tell you to call me, grandpa?"

ZouMi awkwardly scratch her head, before she could say anything, "Never mind, come let's have a walk in the garden." ZouMi blinked, a moment later she nodded, and respectfully showed the way, Elder Xu walked in front, while ZouMi a step back.

Elder Xu smiled, he knew ZouMi's and Gu Huan character, both have similar principles, they both distance themselves from feelings, peoples, they both don't get attached to anyone easily. And right now, they both were on a phase of ignoring each other, they both haven't realized their feelings, yet. So, he thought, why not help them and be a, cupid? After a shot silent, walk in the backyard, Elder Xu sat on the bench, while ZouMi stood beside the bench. Even after gaining the power, she hasn't left her manners.

"Sit." ZouMi smiled and shook her head.

"Sit." Elder Xu said again. ZouMi instantly sat down with her legs bend a bit to, herself.

Both sat there without a word, ZouMi stare at the sky with a light smile on her face, she was remembering the time, when her father was near, and how they used to sit on the bench for hours without a word. Accompanying each other silently, at the end, ZouMi would fall asleep on her father's shoulder.

"Its cold, you should keep yourself warm." ZouMi gently placed her long coat on Elder Xu's shoulder.

"Gu Huan used to do the same." ZouMi's hands froze in the air, she quickly regained her composure. "That child has lived alone, without the warmth from parents, and without friends. He was young when I took him away with me, since then he never left my side. I should've been the one taking care of him, but he was the one who took care of me, all the time. For me he learned how to cook, when I would come back from the base, he would cook something or the other for me and spread it on the table. After that he would hide from me, and apply meds on his burnt fingers." ZouMi didn't know how should she react, why was he saying all this to her?

To be honest, the place near her chest tighten, when he first said, he didn't have any friends, she brushed it off as a joke. But, who knew that the always smiling and laughing Gu Huan, was actually lonely.

"That silly child have never been happy since his childhood, he always pretend to be happy."

"W… Why are you saying this to me?" ZouMi asked with hesitation.

"Because, you're the first one in the world, that he talked to, after me and his Ah Ji. He is a silent boy, he doesn't like talking to anyone. For him, talking, taking care of someone unknown is just waste of time. A... And I've seen him, talking to you, taking care of you... and also he slept, for the first time in my life, I've seen him sleeping for hours. And all this is connected to... You!"

ZouMi's eyes widened, "What do you mean?" She knew the cheerful Gu Huan, who crack unexpected jokes, take care of her, force her to take care of herself. She didn't know that the Gu Huan she has met is different from the Gu Huan, everyone knows.

Wait... Wasn't she also different from the ZouMi others knew, and the ZouMi, Gu Huan knows?

Isn't her behavior changes in front of him? She who isn't scared of anyone or anything.... actually fell for a simple blackmail of him, and drank the milk, for the first time in her life, and did stupid things? The thing in the question wasn't about the words he used, it was about.... he used it!

Realization drawn over her, the thing she had with Gu Huan was different, she wasn't her usual self with him, and same goes with him!

Elder Xu didn't answer her question, he gave her a hint, it's up to her, if she is, or she isn't going to talk it out with Gu Huan. Looking at the changes in her facial expression, his work was done here. Slowly he got up and left, ZouMi was still in daze.

Elder Xu walked over to a large tree and met the person, hiding behind the tree.

"Do you think this is going to work? I know her, she would never take the initiative... We should've done this to, Gu Huan."

"You're stressing out for no reason, I know Gu Huan, he would also never take the initiative. Let's just leave it on luck and faith, if they're meant to be together, they'll."

"Dad, what if…"

"Xi Jing, I know you're worried about your daughter, but we can't force anything on to them. Give some time, and leave it on God, and faith." Elder Xu lovingly patted Mother Sid on her shoulder. Mother Sid looked at her daughter sitting on the bench and sighed, nodding her head, both she and Elder Xu left ZouMi alone, and walked towards the house.