
"You? What are you doing here?"

The owner of the cold voice squatted down to her level by bending his knees, he held her chin roughly in between his thumb and figure and rubbed harshly.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you this, RanRan, hm? Why are you here dressed in such a dress, with drugs in your hand, hm? Weren't you that innocent one getting bullied? How come you changed?" Su Chen looked at her with no emotion. Jing Ran was shocked when she gazed at his eyes, which had no love for her, neither the respect as before. She shivered under his gaze, and tremble at the power he put on her chin, which was hurting her.

Su Chen have been thinking of what ZouMi said, this past few days. He followed Jing Ran, secretly every day. He felt guilty, when he didn't find anything wrong, and used to treat her more dearly, at the end of the day. But, today was different, he followed her half a way, he thought of going back, not be deceived by ZouMi's words, and love the innocent little RanRan.

He was way too wrong, the moment he decided to step back, he heard her answering a phone call,

"What? How can you do this to me, Sid Bao? I'm warning you, if you don't give me, what I asked for, I'm.... I'm going to go to that sister's of his, and say that you set me up near that fool. I'm already irritated by him, enough is enough, three years, I have been with him for three years, I'm done faking it, now." She stopped and heard what the other person was saying, who was likely to be Sid Bao. "Hm, okay! But, after that if you leave me, trust me, after I kill him, I'm will kill you too!"

The ground to his feet slipped, his whole world spinning. He... He was just a chess piece? The love, the time, the RanRan he knows for the past three years, is a fake? She faked her love for me, she faked her innocence, what she said to him had always been a lie, everything? He felt as if an invisible hand clutch his heart with force, making his breath unsteady.

Su Chen's eyes turned bloodshot, he wanted to strangle her to death, kill her, but he held himself. He can't loop up to her level, he can't!

He then followed her, leading to the dark valley and comfort, she isn't as innocent has he thought.

Before, killing her, he wanted to kill himself, how can he ignore his brothers words? He had known them since childhood, yet didn't take their words seriously.

Jing Ran, struggle to get from his grip, but failed.

"Stop, you're hurting me." Her eyes turned red, her tears at the corner of her eyes she was about to cry.

Su Chen gave a cold laugh, "You thought, I would leave you, if you act innocent. You got me wrong. How can you not know me, even after three whole years, hm?" He tighten in grip, held her hairs forcefully, "The amount of love I gave you, would be less than, the amount of hurt I would give you! Guard's, take her secretly from here." Three guards, came from behind, which had the symbol of sword and shield, they were the bodyguard ZouMi hired, Zesn.

Su Chen knew all the brothers, and their family members had bodyguards in the dark, protecting them, which were assigned by ZouMi.

"Wait. Take her to ZouMi's office underground." With saying this, Su Chen left. The three bodyguards dragged Jing Ran out of the valley, pushing her in the backseat of the car, zooming onto the road.


Su Chen, walked around aimlessly, his mind drifting to the time he met Jing Ran. He saved her, later she thanked him millions of time and proposed for a meal. He still remembered the teary face of hers, her body was shivering, she looked like a sacred little kitten.

Seeing the store, Su Chen stopped, thinking for a while, he went in, took a carton of bear and left. He walked towards the taxi stand and got in, he notified the driver about the address. Looking out of the window he again fell into the memories.

"RanRan, I love you." Slow whisper were heard in the air, while the night was light up with colored bulbs, shinning like a star in Jing Ran eyes, who had a smile worth everything.

"You did this.... for me?" She asked in slow voice, not breaking her eyes from the beautiful view.

Hugging her from the back, Su Chen placed his chin on her shoulder, kissing her hairs he answered, "Who else would it be for, hm?"

"It's beautiful, thank you." She turned around and hugged him by his neck, leaning towards his lips, she pressed hers. Like that they shared their first kiss.

"Sir! Sir? We're here." Su Chen was brought back from his memories line, by the driver's voice. Su Chen passed him the money, took the carton and left, leaving the change for the driver.

By the time he reached his destination, he realized, his face was wet from tears, he sat down on the grass, his face buried in his hand.

A hand was placed on his shoulder, making him freeze, he slowly looked up and was greeted by a familiar face, she sat down beside him, holding his head, she made him lean on her shoulder, his eyes never leaving her face.

"Cry for once, then we'll make them cry!" With a soft voice, she started patting his head lightly, silently comforting him.

Seeing his, sister, best friend, or brother, even enemy, he couldn't control his emotion, and cried silently on ZouMi's shoulder.

ZouMi was on her bed in her own thoughts, when her phone ranged, she wanted to ignore, but seeing that it was from on the bodyguards which were assigned for Su Chen, she moved and answered the call.