
To their disappointment, he held his wife's hand glared at ZouMi and left.

ZouMi turned towards Si Ban, he nodded, knowing what he has to do.


His phone chimed, Si Ban fished out his phone looked at the screen and frown, his eyes swept across the room, and fell on the one sitting at the bar, with phone in his hand. He ignored the text and kept his phone back in his pocket. His only concentration for now was ZouMi.

Gu Huan felt restless when he saw how Si Ban ignored his text, but all he could do was wait. He clearly remembered the day they both met, then the day they shake their hands and started their friendship, then the day he held her hand in hospital. One thing was common in it, every time they had skin contact, she flinched, the next moment she was calm. But now, she didn't even let a finger touch her, Si Ban was fast in reflex to pass her the tissue, which meant this isn't new, then how come she didn't mind his skin contact?

"My dear niece, how have you been?" Sid Bao came near ZouMi with a sly grin on his face.

She barely looked at him, before nodding, Si Ban passed a gift to Sid Bao which he was carrying.

"Happy birthday." Not so welcoming, not so serious voice of ZouMi fell on Sid Bao's ear, which made him grin even more.

None knew what was going on in his mind, better than ZouMi and Si Ban, who was starting to lose control by seeing that sly grin on his face.

Sid Bao stopped the waiter near him and took a drink from the tray.

"Dear niece, it's your uncle's birthday, aren't you going to make a toast for me?" He forcefully passed the glass to ZouMi's hand. She knew there wasn't anything mixed in that drink, that was why she clinched with his glass, then calmly brought that drink to her lips, Sid Bao eyed ZouMi's move from the corner of his eye.

Purposely, ZouMi paused the drink near her lips, then gulped down. Sid Bao saw her guards down, he was satisfied that he fooled ZouMi, but wasn't aware that he fell into her trap by eyeing her moves, he didn't notice the man next to him was watching him, the former General and a very good friend of her Uncle, Lu Juwin. Sid Bao's actions made him suspicious about his ulterior motive to let ZouMi forcefully drink, Lu Juwin had warned him about Sid Bao before, and he was investigating, a lot of matters and evidence came to his hand, but Lu Juwin stopped him from taking action, the reason was still unknown to him. ZouMi was too good at mind games, that no one can detect!

"Mr. Sid, looks like you're close to your niece." One of the business partner asked Sid Bao, who took liking towards ZouMi.

"Pretty much." Sid Bao turned towards ZouMi, "Niece, meet him, the President of Onzi Boutique and one of my business partner." ZouMi didn't give face to anyone, yet alone one of his partner!

"Don't mind her, she is like this only, a girl with fewer words." Sid Bao gave two awkward laughs. Si Ban internally sneered at him, ZouMi had no emotion on her face, just like a plain white sheet.

The cake cutting ceremony was about to start, a waiter wheeled five storied cake in the center of the hall, Sid Bao, his wife Ji Song and Sid Xiniay stood near the cake.


Door opened again, an old man with a walking stick in his hand, was followed by a servant. Wearing a blue suit, even the can in his hand didn't lessen his power, evident he was powerful at his young age.

"Dad." Sid Bao walked towards the old man, Elder Sid, and greeted him, who eyes were glued on ZouMi. The latter calmly held a drink in her hand, sip by sip she tasted every flavor of that drink, giving no face to Elder Sid.

Sid Xiniay, walked towards her grandpa and acted like a spoil child, "Grandpa, you're on time, we were waiting for you, lets go the cake cutting is about to start."

If gaze could kill, ZouMi would've probably turned into ashes. Elder Sid's gaze wasn't as furious when he gazed at Sid Xiniay, his eyes showed warmth, which was missing when he looked at ZouMi.

"What is she doing here? Wasn't her father not enough that she is here to disgrace our family!" The robotic ZouMi showed an emotion, which lacked since she entered the hall, but it was just a flash, one could think it as illusion.

Si Ban felt the anger from her, he stepped a bit close to her and whispered in a low voice that he knew ZouMi will be able to listen, "Zu, calm down, don't lose your composer. Not so soon, please." He comforted ZouMi, knowing once her father being mention, the ice rock would break and create a drama, he quickly brought her to reality. One thing that can divert ZouMi was someone saying bad about her father, even if she had already planned the brutal way to torment them, she won't be able to control her anger and would kill them on the spot!

ZouMi's eyelids moved, her eyes were red, the glass in her hand begin to crack, it was impossible for her to control herself, she was about to burst...

"Miss An, nice meeting you again." A familiar voice near her, brought her back to reality. She turned towards the source of the voice, as though those eyes contained some magic spell, her anger subside.

The General beside ZouMi, looked at Gu Huan from head to toe.

"Gentleman, have we met before?" It was more like assurance than question.

Gu Huan nodded, "Yes, General. Grandson of XX year retired General, Xu Tang. We met at President party." Gu Huan extended his hand and formally shook it with him.