
ZouMi raised her glass, and so did everyone and made a toast.

She held on to the locket hanging on her neck, and whispered, 'Mr. An, now you don't have to work too hard, just wake up! Your daughter have already arranged everything for you. And this is the start of our revenge!'

Her eyes fell on her family, then subconsciously on Gu Huan, who sat beside his grandfather.

Their gaze met!

Gu Huan raised the glass of juice smiled at her and drank. He mouthed, 'Congratulations.' ZouMi was pleased, and displayed a big smile.

She felt content!

This was a slap right on the face of Sid Bao and the shareholders, who questioned her during the meeting.

This was a slap for everyone who thought, she depends on her beauty to reach such heights.

This was a slap to the one who mocked her for being a child, an inexperience who wasn't capable for anything!

She built an empire of her own, by herself!

ZouMi got down from the stage, everyone started walking towards her, congratulating her and her family, praising ZouMi for her success and intelligence.

Mrs. Sid eyes turned moist, she was so proud of her child, her tears about to fall. ZouMi came to her mother, "Mum, don't cry, it will ruin your makeup. And dear, you know, you don't look good when your makeup is ruined." ZouMi smiled and teased her mother the same way her father does. Mrs. Sid saw the shadow of her husband in ZouMi, she was overwhelmed with emotion of proud for her daughter and longing for her husband. YangYang, Xau, Chen, Bai, Parent Lui, Parent Su, and Parent Lu, felt the same!

ZouMi gazed at this family of hers, she can't imagine a day without them!

"So, should I call you ZouMi or President Zou or Chairman Ming?" Pleasant elderly voice ranged. Elder Xu was here, back from LA.

"I'm still the same ZouMi, grandpa." ZouMi smiled, it was now easy for her to call him grandpa, which pleased the old man!

"How can you be? You're my revival now, because of you, my company shares started to fall." He appeared angry, but his smiling eyes betrayed him.

"Grandpa, you should be patience!" ZouMi winked at him, the old man got her signal and smiled.

Si Ban wasn't there when ZouMi was giving her speech, he was clueless to the fact that he too was in the list of the biggest shareholders!

Chen, Xau and Bai, gathered around ZouMi, "Have you seen Sid Bao's face?" Bai who was known to be the serious one, couldn't hide his satisfaction in someone's bad, if that someone is Sid Bao, none are meant to be sad or feel sympathy!

ZouMi smiled and said nothing. She kept her drink aside, walked towards her sister, YangYang, who was busy socializing.

"Miss. Pretty, may I have a dance with you?" ZouMi extended her hand towards her sister, her back straight, with voice so soft and one couldn't help, but see through her voice and eyes, how much she dotes on her sister.

YangYang turned towards her sister, and smiled, "Do you need to ask?" She placed her hand on her sister's. ZouMi guided her to the center of the floor, and soft music was playing.

With one hand placed on YangYang's waist, and the other held hers, they swing their waist in sync.

"Zu, what are you doing?"


"I know you're up to something." YangYang looked at ZouMi, who was of her height, ZouMi took two steps back, held her sister's hand and swing her around in circle. She then, left her hand and moved back, by the time YangYang settled, the lights turned dim, spotlight on her, and a familiar voice feel on her ear.

"We met when we were, so young that I couldn't recall it. You may not remember me, as I wasn't that important in your life, but you were, my life back then, till now."

YangYang moved her head from left to right, wanting to see the person.

"I'm sorry, I had prepared a long, really long words for you, but the moment I saw you, my mind went blank, I can't recall anything!" The crowd laughed, so did the owner of the voice.

"Stop searching me, I won't come out until I say what I have too. Or else, who knows, after seeing you from near, my mind might stop and heart would beat faster!"

"I wanted to propose you on the last day of your school, unlucky me, that day you shifted and moved to a place, far away. But, you were still close to me, smiling in my dreams and accompanying me everywhere. Never would I have thought, the girl I love would appear in front of me again, when I lost all hope to meet you. Our university, we were enrolled in different courses, yet I was happy you were near me. You may not remember, again, the third day of your University, you were proposed by a boy, and that boy never appeared again, because I beat him black and blue, which caused him to change his collage. All those years, I sweep away all the boys who wanted to propose you, and by the day I was going to propose you, you already had a boyfriend." He chuckled, everyone felt sad for him.

"I thought, we were faith to meet, but not to be together, so I let it go, I let the feeling that I had for you. It was difficult, very, very difficult, you reside deep into my bones, but I tried. Cut to three years later, I was walking on the streets, and heard your voice, I stopped, hesitantly I turned back, you were shouting at someone, and then kicked him and left. I didn't know what I felt at that time, happy, maybe sad, or... I don't find any words till date to describe that feeling." YangYang smiled, with tears wilding in her eyes.

"That's when I realized, I was wrong, way too wrong. I had never let go, I can't let go of you. You, who accompanied me in my youth, making my boring life, exciting. You, who accompanied me in my collage life, which wasn't going well. You, whom I loved sincerely. I can't, I fooled myself, my heart, my feelings about forgetting you, which was a clear lie."