Its true, that little ZouMi was betrothed to Mr. Haung's only son, little Haung Bai, but that was arranged by Old Sid, neither her deceased grandmother agreed nor her parents. Years passed, and they believed that both the kids would marry each other, but after what happened to her, Haung's never kept in contact with her and her family. One wouldn't let someone that has some bad name tagging along, to be their daughter-in-law. And Sid Bao had succeeded by playing his game of manipulating the Haung's, who were hungry for power and money, totally ignoring the fact of betrothal, they started licking Sid Bao's a**, and introduced, Sid Xiniay, as their daughter-in-law.
Hur Hur... as if ZouMi would've married him! Not even in her wrong sense!
"You are bent on destroying the Haung's, also?" Si Ban asked to ZouMi who was busy with work, since Mr. Haung left.