Gu Huan, quickly pressed the button, on the bedside. Panicking, he started rubbing her cold hands, with his broad warm hands. Jin Wen came in, along with the nurses, the monitors connected to ZouMi, was making a lot hell of noise, adding more panic to Gu Huan's state.
Gu Huan was pushed backward, by the nurses, the moment the cold sensation left his hand, his heart turned into a mess.
One of the nurse pushed him, he was now leaning on the wall, like a lifeless body, watching every move the nurses and Jin Wen were taking.
He saw, first they injected some injection in her body, that didn't work, so they tried injecting the syringe in the glucose bottle, that was hanging on the bedside.
Gu Huan's eyes, followed the flow of blood upward, from her body to the bottle, he saw the panic in Jin Wen's eyes. Her rapid breathing, fell, and it was barely visible that she was breathing.
Jin Wen instructed the nurse to bring, defibrillator, he started preparing for giving her the shock.