"Why do everyone thinks, where I am is because of Sid Bao? Its wrong, entirely wrong. No, even if he wasn't in the picture, I would still find my way here." ZouMi replied, with calmness.
"Have any child who wish to become a doctor would, want to kill, or will take a life? Fool others, not me. Wasn't your dream to become a doctor and save life?"
ZouMi was silent for a minute, then muttered, "That was, because my father have always respected doctors, and so, I wanted to be one. But, life played, and brought me where I belong. 'D' is something, I yarn for, I love being the first brother, I don't ever regret being there." ZouMi wasn't herself today, and Lu Feng felt it. He was surprised, all her life, she just wanted her father to be happy, for him, she would meet the end of the worlds, just for his smile.
"Then, why do you refer yourself as devil, demon like names?" He had been curious about this, all long.