Chen could see the tension between them, from afar, so he quickly walked towards them and pulled ZouMi.
"Lazy @ss, don't just drink and eat, you'll become a pig. Get up and dance, it will help you burn down some calories."
"Pig, your @ss. You are a big fat, old, double chinned, pig."
"Pigs don't have a chin, fool."
"Yes, but their human version, that's you, do have a double chin!"
"You!" This was way too, normal for everyone, but not Mao Ho, who have seen the angry, hungry beast a second ago, and now a sister teasing her brother side, of ZouMi. That was sudden, smooth, and unnoticeable, change, none can say, she was ready to tear anyone into equal half a second ago. He wondered, how long has she been doing this, to be this prefect, she hides her real self behind the masks, her smile.
Chen pulled ZouMi, to the side, away from everyone, so that no one could hear what they are talking.
"Why are you, so secretive?" ZouMi questioned, with her eyes fixed on Chen.