Chen had his legs placed on the bed, Xau, cuddled himself like a fetus in the corner, and Bai was still drooling in his sleep, while hugging the mattress.
ZouMi walked towards the music system in the room, and played an EDM[1], with loud voice. One thing, of many in common with this crazy bunch of crack heads was, being disturbed when sleeping! Even if being of this generation, and youngsters, they weren't a fan of EDM.
"ZOU MING!" Three of them roared, and covered their ears with hands, but was of no use, as the song was played on a high volume, with louder base. They felt their head would crack open any moment, Chen threw whatever his hands got, on the music system, and also on ZouMi. Which she dogged without any efforts.
The three got up in a goofy manner, their hairs like a mess, puffy eyes, and messy clothes.
The hotel staff, quickly brought in the medicine and snacks, as ZouMi told them too.