ZouMi, still suppressed her emotions, she felt touched, hurt, she went on guilt trip, to a suffocating grip on her heart. She used to think, that all the pain, from the past, made her heart numb.
Oh, boy! How wrong she was!
Her heart shattered, breaking into tiny million and billions of pieces, she didn't want this pain. How long has it been she felt such heart wincing pain?
Long, way too long. Four years ago. That day, the miserable pain had left a bitter thing for her.
They knew, it had been hard, way too hard on her, for the past few years. She never complained, neither did she frown, she willingly took all the burdens, shouldering it, with a smile.
These past few years, they never got time to spent with her, she was busy, way too busy. To an extent of not meeting them for months!
They knew, she built a wall, that was hard to break, they need to give her time. They could see the crack in the wall, she built.