ZouMi's eyes shot open, if Gu Huan was there, how did her body relax to an extent of dropping her self-defenses?
Why did she not reacted when Gu Huan lifted her?
How did she enter a state of calmness, with someone around?
There were many 'why's' and 'how's', but answer to them, were none.
"Gu Huan, why am I always filled with 'why's', when I am with you?" She questioned, in a low voice.
ZouMi, for the next one hour, watched the IV fluid drop by drop, till it finished. The pale face gained a bit of its color, but her eyes were still the same, emotionless.
"Where is, Si?" As Jin Wen was removing the needle from her hand, he paused and continued what he was doing, after hearing her.
"In his ward." Jin Wen appeared unwilling to talk, he hasn't even looked at ZouMi, while talking.