"What are you doing here, like this? How long has it been that you slept?"
"Bai, no nagging." ZouMi opened her car door, and Bai climbed into the car, occupying the shot-gun seat. He reached out his hand, wanting to feel her pulse, only to be pushed away by her harshly.
"What were you doing on this road? This road doesn't lead to any of your destination." ZouMi asked, still her eyes closed.
"I had something going on. Same with you, why were you on this road, and why did you stop here? Are you unwell?" The concern and worry was visible in his voice.
"I'm fine, just wanted a bit of fresh air, so I stopped." ZouMi didn't want to continue their conversation, as she had no energy left within her. The bottle of pills that she held in her hand few moments ago, was now hidden under her clothes carefully.