She won't wake up.

"We lost her... She left us." As Ji Wen kept mumbling to himself, the nurses weep too. Had any grown up man, ever cried in front of anyone? And this is their very own, dear, top surgeon, who had witness death now and then, but, was crying his eyes out.

They looked at the lifeless body, on the bed, the monitor with all straight lines, and sighed. This wasn't something new in their profession, they started to take work, and clear the aftermath. So, that the family can take the body away.

As a nurse pulled the white sheet on ZouMi, and was trying to remove the machines attached to her body, Ji Wen suddenly stood up, he acted on impulse.

Pushing aside the nurse, Ji Wen took the defibrillator and gave a shock to ZouMi.

"One last time, this will be your only chance, get up ZouMi." As his words rang in her head, ZouMi's body suffer a shock, waking her up.