Chapiter 1

— So, not inside yet. Ask for Shun.

For a moment, I didn't even feel like answering it, because everything is obvious; but hey, it's Shun.

— No, it's after the bell that you'll see my face inside.

In turn, he slumps down on the same bench as me, we stay there for about ten minutes before the alarm comes to order us to enter.

To give you the lowdown, he on my left, with his smooth and impeccable uniform - it's Wednesday; he's my childhood friend, as an only son I always hung around on my own until we moved to this residential area where I've been living with my parents for about ten years. That's when I met Shun who was reading in his yard, at the time we were both very shy, especially me because of my matt skin.

That day, he was reading Naruto, at the sight of the title we immediately became true companions, seeing him read the work I idolised the most made me very emotional.

We started talking about hours and hours of manga, of games; and we were happy. From that moment on I no longer lived alone, he became a brother to me.

While I was thinking, the teacher had given me a surprise test that I was almost unable to do, despite my laziness I still tried to reach the average, when I finished nobody got up yet except my best friend who had already finished, he wasn't one of the best and yet he did everything with a session when he was as lazy as me, if not more so.

I put the sheet on the teacher's desk, but when I want to go out he calls me.

— I am still not in possession of your information sheet Mr MC Cloud, as we are finishing the third week of class. He speaks in French and I pick up almost nothing of his gibberish, how I hate this awful language, I wonder why I didn't do science, probably laziness.

I look at my friend in distress, and he shows me his phone; 'Google' this guy is a crack and I know him. Without waiting another minute I fill in what Mr. Ferdison asked me and give it back to him.

Shun goes to another class while I take the opportunity to go to the toilet, when I leave the empty space that filled the corridors two minutes ago is replaced by a rush of young people who are going in all directions, I in the middle of all this I take my phone and check my notifications quickly, I ignore them all as usual because only one person really interests me:

— Hey you. 9 o'clock.

Yo, what's up?

— Quiet and you?

— Ditto, what are you doing?

—I'm having breakfast before I go back, you should do the same.

—I'm thinking about it and good luck if not.

—About before, is it still ok ?

—Yup, see you then.

—See you later.

I put my camera back in my pocket, I decided not to eat, the lack of appetite of young people surely. So as not to waste my time in the cafeteria I go straight to the library which is in another building, for me who hates feeling tired today, destiny pushes me to make an effort. What's more than annoying, the corridor that goes all the way to the library is still as empty as usual. Arriving there my eyes stumble over Shun who is sitting with a young blonde lady of our age, they look like two generals who are making a pact for the peace of two nations, this reflection makes me drop a smile when I arrive at their side.

—They forget me? I say to start the conversation.

— I love you too much for that and you know it... Fun, buddy.

—I know I know, me too, me too and you, haven't I seen you somewhere? I'm asking for a hand on the head.

She smiles softly as she arranges her hair before facing me, revealing her pretty face.

—Emiko, Shun's cousin, you were there when I arrived. With my poor memory I can recognise this Emiko, it's true that I'm not very physiognomist. Yet she hasn't forgotten me. We talk for a few minutes before going back to class for the rest of the afternoon.

After four hours of shitty literature, we head towards the pool in the hubbub of the students, tired of our noise our teacher goes outside to smoke his cigarette and we let him play in the pool, now that he knows for sure that everyone is fit to swim he has this habit of taking twenty minutes before giving us lessons, In my corner with my best we discuss the latest manga and animated we have followed each in his corner, our conversation doesn't even have time to reach its climax, stopped sharply by a girl running towards the pool, she screams, laughs, with ease, and I recognise her.

She jumps into a ball to make sure she splashes everyone, some of them moaning as they are about to hit a hundred yards in the water. Just enough time to get her head out of the water, our eyes meet and we shout at each other.

—Izuki!? When did you come back!?

—But you go ahead and shout my name with a lot of "i" at the end like an icteric fan.

Never, come out of the water, how could you run in your underwear in the corridor of the school ?

—Miss, come out of there now and follow me. Mr Takashi had also made a warm entrance, with his sour face he gave Izuki a towel. But what were you thinking?

—You know how to cross my ligament... After that sentence that made almost all the students laugh, they disappeared and we finally went swimming.

Izuki, it was my first kiss, and also a real friend since the beginning of the school, with them I often say, often unconsciously also she hangs out with me Shun, thanks to me he likes himself, not too much at the beginning because they didn't want to share me, nevertheless as soon as she said she was an otaku everything worked out without too much effort. When she left school she tells us, in the company of her blonde cousin from earlier, the details of her trip, which I listen to with an absent-minded ear, a bit like my friend who is on his phone.

Arriving at the bus stop I continue on my way by greeting them, so eager to see Sky again that I become impatient which rarely happens to me, in fact she told me about a game she had just discovered and I can't wait to play it. In front of the crêperie my eyes fall on her, her long dark black hair is always so shiny and smooth, in her spring uniform she too is very cute, it must be because of her small size; often I come to wonder why we are not a couple when I like her enough. But hey....

—So you were telling me about a game?

—Change your nasty habits and hello first... She lets go in a sigh as she takes dessert.

I get up and give her a kiss on the forehead before coming back to sit down, her shocked and embarrassed face makes me laugh, especially her hands that caress her forehead are quite cute and funny.

—So you were saying?

— Are you ready for the next level ?