Chapter 4

The powder room is very cozy. All the fixtures are either dark brown or black. The lighting is yellow and thank God blushing won't be possible under this light. She releases my arm and leans back on the counter with the mirror facing her back.

It's a little room having a cubicle to do your business. I think I'm fumbling with how to get inside the cubicle while she's eyeing me. "Uhm."

I don't know how to excuse myself.

She suddenly springs at me and next thing I know, I have my back against the cubicle wall with lips prying my mouth open. I had no time to breathe so I inhale through my mouth which gives her the chance to deepen the kiss. My mind is reeling both from being intoxicated by her scent, her lips crushing mine and the little space for movement. My first kiss.

She tastes sweet maybe from eating oysters. She tastes salty and it feels like I'm back to eating oysters. I close my eyes and let her take my lips. I feel her hand move to my arms down to my wrists and hold them up above my head. Shall I try to breathe again?

I gasp and she pulls away to give me a second to breathe but before I even start to say something stupid, she's nibbling my lips again.

I feel her move and her body grind against me. Oh my. My first date, first kiss. Are we really going to do this here?

She breathes again and pulls me inside the cubicle, pins me again to the wall and I'm still speechless, breathless and wanton.

I am supposed to have my private space alone. I already feel like exploding with her touch. I don't know where to place myself when I feel like I'm bursting everywhere. I am panting. Seems like it was forever when I last breathed.

Next thing I know, her hands are on my hips, still pushing me to the wall like she wants us deep inside it.

I hear moaning and feel her hand go further down. I'm anticipating her next moves. I think we must stop. I think we must not.

When she brings my leg to wrap around her hips, my dress rolls in between us from hips below, I'm already exposed. She drags her fingers to caress my bare thigh and I shatter.

I suppress the moans but I feel like twice as burning. Her kisses travel on my lips to my neck and as I almost whimper, she pulls my hips against her. I place my hands on her shoulders to keep my balance while she devours me alive. I feel the strap of my dress slips down to my arms. I feel the tension as her lips follows the trail where her hands were on my arms.

I hear the door of the room open. It feels like somebody poured us ice cold shower. I am brought back to my senses and she drops my leg. We forgot to lock the door. I pull my dress strap and pat my hair down. My face reddens against the yellow light. She breathes and looks at me still with dark clouded eyes and smiles.

A woman comes in and all she's able to say is "Oh." I feel myself blush even if I try to act like nothing happened. The woman smiles knowingly at us and Blake just nods and leaves. I am left in front of the mirror as I fix the wild look in my eyes. What just had happened?!

After taking steady breaths, I try to excuse myself from the lady to pee. Last thing on my mind before leaving the washroom is the smell of soap.

I go back to our table where she sits perfectly calmed and collected. She must be used to this kind of dating. She removes her glasses and let it sit on the table. I sit back and breathe louder this time as if huffing.

"We have all the time in the world baby." She suddenly speaks and leans over the table.

"I do not expect my first date to be making out or making anything." I say angrily. I feel so cheap for being an easy catch. I did not expect myself with these kind of reactions. What has gotten into me?! What will Tia say once she knew that I'm an easy one?

Her reaction changes into apologetic. "I'm sorry. I am an asshole for thinking I can do this with you. I did not expect myself to be doing things I don't usually do with you. Maybe I was not able to stop myself from trying to and kissing you. If you think I already ruined the night, I'm ready to take you back to your dorm once you're done eating." She says putting her glasses back to her eyes.

I can't stand hearing a new tone from her lips. She's always cool, relaxed and confident. She exudes the kind of personality that doesn't know apologies and rejections. "I'm fine. It's just not what I expect from a first date. I'll live. Let's finish the food and go someplace you have in mind. If there are none, I'd be willing to be brought back to the dorm." I say and see her eyes brighten up a bit.

We are unscathed. I hope we're going to be fine for now.

We finish the food silently avoiding each other's eyes and not making any conversation. All the while the event in the washrooms on repeat inside my head. I sense that she is done when she removes her glasses from her eyes, folds and inserts it into her shirt. I dabbed the napkin onto my lips preparing to go. She looks at me once and she stands to my side offering her arm again. I take it and we go to the parking area where her car is parked.

It is very silent there and all you can hear are muffled voices coming from the restaurant.

"Do you mind if we just stay here outside the car and talk or do you have other places in mind?" I started barely mumbling.

"I think that's a good idea but I was planning to go to the beach, if it's okay with you?" she says breezily.

"I'd rather stay here and talk than go somewhere else where there are no people around" I say honestly. I need a lot of people near us as possible. I don't trust myself not getting cozy with her if ever we are left alone again.

"Right. Fine. Shall we sit on the rear or walk around?" she asks me.

"Sit on the rear" and I initiated on going around to the rear and lean on it crossing my arms. It is way too cold out here but I prefer to look contained than look like a kitten wanting to snuggle.

She exhales and leans against the car beside me and I can feel her stare at me while I'm looking ahead. "I can sense there are additional questions for me then?" she plants her hands on her sides on the car and huffs again.

"Unbelievable" she whispers but I hear her alright.

I look at her and she looks at me back. "What are we doing Blake? Why are we doing this?" I exasperatedly ask.

"Hmm. How young are you?" she asks not even close to answering my questions. I breathed cold air. "Twenty-one"

"And I presume you are already an adult with that age of yours. Lana, you are no longer a child." I don't know where this is going but I am thankful she's starting to speak more. "What happened inside that restaurant needs no consent from any other adult than us. Maybe I misread you. I thought you like what I did. I thought we are on the same page. I felt it with the way you responded. I felt it -"

"What do you expect from me? I was having the feels and I don't know what I was doing until I was back to my senses! I'm not gay!" I cut her and almost shouted at her.

"You could have pushed me away. I thought you knew what was happening. I thought you can read me where I'm heading?" she countered.

"You thought? Well I thought I was maneuvered!" I desperately say. I don't want to argue but I don't have any excuse. She stares at me with pain in her eyes and I wish I can take back what I said, feeling guilty about this.

"Okay, maybe that was not the right word for it." I say looking away while she still stares at me with tears forming in her eyes. What the heck?!

"I feel like it was expected of me to return the kiss. I felt obligated to." Now that's harsh. What am I even saying?!

"Not obligated to, I mean it's just what I felt like I should do. I have no other choice that time when you started kissing me. I am confused but I liked what we're doing. I even expected more to happen when I suddenly wake up and realize what is really happening!" I shake my head still not believing that THAT happened between us.

"It's normal." She simply explains. I look at her and she combs her hair again away from her face. The cold night blowing her hair in different directions but still she manages to comb it easily with her bare hand.

"When two people have this attraction, they really cannot control what their body would want them to act on to. The bigger the attraction, the smaller the capability to resist to comply." she half smiles like she's sorry for revealing the laws of attraction to me. I urge her to continue instead.

"There is something pulling me into you. Maybe it's the look on your face which seems to scream 'I am not pretty!' and the way you move like you don't want the spotlight. I might be a sucker for your type. I want to try things I haven't been to. Maybe I like to gauge your reaction once you knew that somebody likes you." She smiles broadly.

"And now I know, that you can act on it and scream murder afterwards, I don't think I'd miss out on the fun we'll have if we're going to be together."

My jaw drops, I can't pull my jaws together. This is kind of a shock. "And if we're going to be together, then I guess you have to drop that 'I'm not gay thing'. I close my eyes trying to analyze the bits and pieces when she kisses me again, lightly and briefly like a passing butterfly.

I open my eyes and instead of accepting, I am overwhelmed. I think I need more time to think about this. I need to know her more before I indulge in this different kind of relationship, my very first relationship for that matter. A relationship that started immediately during our first date.

"What are you doing in the university? Are you a student too?" I suddenly ask feeling like I'm lacking details about the person who stole my first kiss.

"I'm a substitute professor in P.E. Last week the professor came back from her maternity leave so it was also my last week as professor. I came back today so I can turn over the students' documents and stuff." She says as a matter of fact.

A professor? What am I doing dating a professor? I have really gone nuts.

"So, technically, today is your last day here?" I feel like I am holding my breath again without any reason. Or is there?

"Yes. I came here to do a favor for my best friend and now I'm done, I shall go back to doing what I love to do." She gladly says.

My face falls and I'm not doing the right thing by letting it linger and sink in.

"You don't have to worry honey, I'm just a few minutes away from you. It won't stop me from seeing you altogether." She says and I don't know if I am happy about it.

I nod grimacing at the effort. Not knowing what to say or ask anymore. I am feeling the effects of the night and I just want to rest though something is telling me another. Something tells me to keep myself awake and stay with her.

Oh Tia! I hope I have your brain during such times! I don't know what I shall do!

"You are very silent baby. What's the matter? Information overload? I am expecting a thousand questions now and you seem to be sleeping on me. Do you want to head back to the dorm?" she asks worrying.

"I don't know if this is alright." I say feeling a little sleepy and light headed at the same time. "Can you bring me home?"

"Yeah. Sure." She answers immediately. "Just guide me where your dorm is."

"No." I say and she looks confused. "Can you bring me home, where you live?" I say bringing up the courage or stupidity, I'm not sure. She seems surprised but she hides it with a calm façade.

"O- Kay." She says breathing in but still not moving. "Are you sure? Because I can't promise to behave in my house."

I guess she's waiting for me to wake up a bit and take back what I just said. I stand and go around into the passenger seat, going in on my own while she's still left leaning on the rear of the car. I hear her take a breath and curse unbelievably. I'm doing this all in one night.

My conscience tells me to take it slowly one at a time. My brain is in hyper mode thinking of everything so I say stop and just do what I feel like doing. Let me suffer tomorrow then. She circles and opens the driver's door.

She goes in still breathing aloud. I guess she didn't expect what I said. She starts the engine and looks at me still waiting for me to stop her or tell her to bring me to the dorm. I just look at her expectantly.