Benny opens his mouth wide and has a go at the burger in his hands. Melted mayonnaise seeps out of the pile of bread and meat, sliding slowly from the corners of his lips. Josh snorts in disgust at the way Benny eats the burger. His cheeks are puffed up by the large chunk of the burger. Not finished with the first bite, he puts another large bites into his mouth. More mayonnaise comes out from the corners of his lips and the pile of bread and meat, glides down quickly to his T-shirt.

"Oh, shit!" Benny curses with his mouth full, spurting small pieces of burger from his mouth.

Aidan looks away from the mess he doesn’t want to witness. Josh grabs a box of tissues and shoves it toward Benny.

"Oh, thanks dude." Benny takes some tissues at once and wipes them on his shirt. The tissue rub spreads the stain on his shirt even wider. "Great, my mom will yell at me if she sees this stain."

Josh looks at Benny with concern. "Maybe it's time you leave your parents' house."