Chapter 18
A week has passed, I am sitting with my arms on my knees and looked straight ahead.
"Is this deep enough?" I heard Prince Edmondo ask so I looked down.
“That will be fine. Thank you Edmonodo,” replied Prince Eaux. I peeked down to see how they were burying his coffin. King Gabi's funeral is today and I attended but I am now sitting in a cloud floating in the sky just above it.
I knew I am embarrassed to be there and there might be trouble if I had the courage to go with them. It was good that I thought of this so that I could at least see how they would bury King Gabi.
Like the traditional ones that happen when someone is buried, all eight of them are dressed in black. The whole nation already knew about the king's death but the only ones in the tomb today are the eight princes.