Chapter 6

Janani was so shocked that she froze for a moment. Her lips parted in surprise and her breathing wavered. Her eyes widened in horror as Armaan's words sunk in.

"It would be easier on my son's emotional stability. But be sure to step back from him, letting others take your place. Consider this a warning, if you want" Armaan shrugged casually.

"He should learn to adjust without you. It's good that he is at such an age were he will forget you soon" He added, without really understanding the blow Janani felt at his words.

He had delivered the killing blow of truth by telling her what he expected and wanted from her.

Mumbai and nanny job is very temporary and would come at a high cost

She would eventually lose little Advi. Her beloved little nephew.

She paled, as she felt a slicing pain in her heart, at the thought of having her expelled from Advi's life.

But at the same time, Janani realised that, for all that she has heard about the heartless man in front of her, he is worthy of being a good father. She has to admit it.

He hated the mere sight of her, yet he understood the bond Advi shared with her and what it might do to Advi, if that bond is broken thoughtlessly.

He was keen to protect his son.

How could she judge him badly for that?

This gradual separation, he suggests, would work perfectly for Advi's emotional well being.

But what about her? It would ruin her emotionally? She will never recover from this.

"Is there a problem, Ms Trivedi? You can't come with Advaith?" Armaan asked, surprised.

He thought she would jump at an opportunity that would grant her entry into Armaan's wealthy and privileged world.

"No, I was just thinking," Janani mumbled, not knowing what to say.

"If you are not aware, I am a very generous man, Ms Trivedi. If you agree, I will ofcourse settle all your debts. Then, there won't be any more threat from the cops" Armaan said swiftly leaving Janani stunned.

"But that's not right. How can I let you pay those debts?" Janani argued.

Armaan shot her a cynical look

"Of course you can. You would obviously be happy to let me pay. That is the sort of woman you are. Why pretend otherwise now? I already know you"

As those words sunk in, Janani flushed in embarrassment and averted her eyes from him.

Saanvi would never have argued against such a benefit. She would have accepted it with open arms.

So if Janani was still planning on pretending to be her twin, she will have to bite her tongue and go with the flow.

The debts Saanvi had acquired on Janani's name was huge. And it has been a constant cause of worry for her aged parents. To have them removed from above their head, would be such a relief, Janani thought and she felt immediately guilty for even thinking such a thing.

But what choice does she even have?

"Also, I wouldn't want my son's mother to be dragged into the court. If he comes to know of this when he grows up, he will be heartbroken. I can't have that." Armaan pointed out without hesitation

The nerve of the man!!

She was tempted to point out that she knew it was he himself who didn't want to be dragged into a court case, but decided against it.

She is already deceiving the man.

Blackmailing him wouldn't let her sleep at night!!

"Of course not, I will come to Mumbai with Advi..-"

"Of course you will. Doing what I tell you to do would be a wise move now" Armaan spelt out softly, his intense gaze raking down her full lips, the swell of her beautiful breasts and her slim legs.

He had never lusted after a woman of her kind. He had always been choosy about women.

Lying cheating gold diggers were never in his list.

What does that say about him?

But lust was healthy. It just shows that he is a healthy man in his prime.

What bothered him was that he had never felt so alive like this before.

Janani felt uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her

"You are trying to intimidate me" she said furiously, as she stood up from where she was sitting.

He looked at her even more intensely

"Am I?" He asked, as he continued to look at her lazily.

"I will do everything that is reasonable, but I won't be intimidated and I won't grovel, Mr Verma" She said firmly

"You won't??" He asked as he stalked closer to a predator

"I won't" she said, with a shaky voice.

He wouldn't hurt her, would he? She wondered.

"Oh, but the idea of you groveling at my knees is very appealing, little one" Armaan said huskily

"The image of you giving me pleasure while you are doing it gives me a high.." Armaan said.

At first Janani couldn't believe he had just said that to her.

Then she told herself he couldn't possibly have meant the sexual innuendo in it

Embarrassed and uncertain, a burst of color spread across her cheeks and she blinked at him.

Why was he talking like that to her?

Didn't he make it clear that he hates her? Then why is her talking like that?

"Did you really just say what I thought you said??" She mumbled and stepped back from him and Armaan raised an eyebrow at the mortified look on her face.

"I better check on Advi" she got the words out somehow and fled the room.

Armaan laughed out loud.

It was fun riling her up

The rabbit caught in the head light look and the embarrassed colouring of her cheek made her look like a blushing teenager.

And he felt his heart beat picking up its pace.

Her innocence was such a turn on.

He paused


And Janani Trivedi

Those two words doesn't go in a single phrase

What the hell had gotten into him!!

He is losing his touch, definitely.

To be sucked in by a wonderful actress.

He shook his head.

She is doing that to him.

The way she works her spell with men who should know better.

The fluttering of eyelashes and blushing at will.

The ultimate naive act.

He is not going to fall for that. Never.

If Janani Trivedi thinks she could trap him with the naive act, she could very well think again

He walked furiously out of the room angry at Janani for doing this to him. Angry at himself for being so susceptible to her charm.

Khanna informed him about Aadesh's emergency call and he immediately returned the call.

"Hello Mann"

"Is everything there alright Aadesh?? Is Ava alright??" Armaan asked, tensed at why his brother said it was an emergency call.

"She is alright now" Aadesh said calmly

"Alright now?? What do you mean by now?? She wasn't alright before??" Armaan asked, his tension escalating.

He is already wound up tight by Advaith's illness. And to know that Ava too is not well.

"Maan, do you know about Ava's nightmares??" Aadesh asked


"What nightmares??" Armaan asked

"Last night, I was on a call when I heard her screaming. I went into her room to see the nanny hovering around demanding Ava to shut up. When she saw me, she did a wonderful act of trying to cuddle and comfort Ava." Aadesh said through clenched teeth

"How did it go??" Armaan asked

"She went into sleep a while later ,must be because of exhaustion, because it definitely wasn't because of comfort " Aadesh said

"Are you sure it has happened before?? The nightmares??" Armaan asked, trying to control his anger at the nanny

"I did ask some of the staff. The housekeeper, Anjana, had once heard Ava screaming during an afternoon nap and the nanny claimed you are already aware of the nightmares and had asked her to take care of Ava" Aadesh said

"That b*tch" Armaan ground out

"I was tempted to kick her out, but while awake Ava is only comfortable with her and I couldn't even do anything" Aadesh huffed out furiously

"I will deal with it tonight" Armaan said

"Are you coming today? Did you deal with everything related to Advaith" Aadesh asked

"Yes.I will be coming home with Advaith" he paused and added "and Janani"

"Janani?? What?? Why??" Aadesh asked, unable to believe that Armaan would even think about bringing the woman who stole his son home.

"You will know when you see them" Armaan muttered before hanging up the phone

Armaan walked towards the room where Advaith is sleeping

He opened the door gently without making noise and was momentarily stunned by the sight in front of him

Advaith was sleeping on the bed.

Janani was lying beside him, propped up on her elbow looking down at his son with such a tenderness that he felt overwhelmed.

No one had looked at him like that.

Definitely not his mother.

Once he had craved for his mother to look at him like that.

He is not that boy anymore, he told himself fiercely.

He doesn't want his mother to look at him like that anymore.

He definitely doesn't want Janani to look at him like that.

His movement must have alerted her, for she stiffened and looked at him warily.

The tenderness he saw a moment ago vanished and he felt a sense of loss.

Armaan mentally shook himself.

He is not a five year old little boy anymore

"We will be leaving for Mumbai today evening. I will ask Khanna to take you back. Be ready by five" He said and walked out without waiting for her response.