Chapter 15

After they reached home, Janani had him assemble the swings in the kitchen for the time being.

As she pointed out, it's an easily portable device and could be hung wherever you want.

At the moment she wanted him to hang it in the kitchen.

While he and Aadesh were setting the swings, he saw Janani feeding the children who were happily sitting on their new high chairs.

She had placed what seems to be their favourite plates in front of them.

Because, like Advi, Ava too has her own favourite plates and cups from today onwards.

"Advi, don't squash your bananas" Janani chided softly, cleaning the squishy mushy banana piece from Advi's chubby little fists and started feeding him instead.

They had the swings together by the time she was done feeding. And then cleaning up the kids, she slid both of them inside making sure to fasten the safety belts.

They have set the swings in such a way that the children would be facing each other.

She wound what looked like a music box for each swing and suddenly both the kids were swinging and happy.

"Wow. That is amazing" Aadesh said smiling at his nephew and niece .

"How come you didn't know about the swings" Janani said shaking her head and Aadesh gaped at her

"Who were we going to ask?? I know nothing about babies" he said sadly and looked at Armaan and added

"And my brother only knows how to make them" Aadesh grinned

"Shut up Addy" Armaan glared at his brother

He doesn't want to think of baby making and Janani together.

He had done his best in the last few hours to not think about the color of her lips and the curve of her hips.

It's about time he got laid.

Once he reached his room he arranged a date for himself with the woman he met at the charity gala two weeks ago.

And finally he knows her name.



Janani was preparing dinner while the kids were sitting in their play yard playing with their new toys.

That's when Armaan came into the kitchen all suited up and Janani frowned.

"You have a meeting at night too??" She asked, wondering what kind of workaholic he is.

"Do I need your permission to go out now, Ms Trivedi?" He asked back coldly and she shrugged telling him it's not any of her business.

Ever since that moment in the shop he had been very formal and very distant.

Not that it's any of her business.

"I won't be back for dinner" he said

"I don't remember inviting you" Janani said kneading the dough for the parathas.

"I have a date" Armaan said and kept looking at her making her frown l.

"Okay" she said shrugging and saw his lips thinning into a straight line

"I will be late" he said and turned around to walk away

Did he expect her to say something?

It definitely looked like that

"Er, Armaan??" She called out hesitantly

"Yes!!" He turned around and looked at her waiting for her to speak.

"All the best?" It came out more like a question and it only made him look more livid.

Didn't he want her to say something??

What is her fault now?

He turned on his heels and walked away briskly without even saying a thank you.

"Akdu. I wished him best and he couldn't even say a thank you" she muttered grumpily.

"What happened?? Why are you talking to yourself??" Aadesh asked walking inside the kitchen

"Your brother is the most impossibly arrogant, ridiculously unreasonable-"

"Woah. Hold on, hold on. What did my lovely brother do to earn such colorful adjectives on his character?" He asked popping a piece of carrot from where they were kept freshly cut.

"He told me he is going on a date and looked as if he wanted me to say something. So being the polite woman that I am, I wished him all the best which seemed to have infuriated him further. I am not a psychic to know what your brother expects me to say" Janani said, throwing her hands in the air.

"You are really clueless, aren't you??" Aadesh asked, looking at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I really do wonder if you have a dual personality disorder!!" Aadesh mused looking intently at Janani.

Something definitely isn't adding up, Aadesh thought.

"Why would you say that?" Janani asked, tensing at the implication of what he had said.

"The woman we got to know through private investigators and the woman who stands in front me appears to be two different people. I really do find something fishy" Aadesh said waiting for her reaction.

"People don't always remain the same, Aadesh. Circumstances change people and having Advi changed me" Janani said truthfully because having Advi really changed her life.

"If you say so" Aadesh said and walked out of the room making Janani breathe out in relief.

Good God! Another lucky escape!

But for how long?


Armaan sat across the heavily made up woman in a designer gown talking non stop about her latest shopping trip to Milan, Italy.

"And you know what? The sales woman was so stunned to see me in the gown. She said she had never seen the gown in a perfect fit on anyone else ever" she continued and Armaan stifled groaning out loud.

What possessed him to do this?

Her hair was left open and not a strand was out of place.

No doubt she had sprayed as many hairspray as she found.

Janani's hair would have been all over the place if she ever let her hair open.

The woman had painted her lips a blood red.

Janani's lips are naturally pink.

A baby cried somewhere in the restaurant and he saw the woman scrunching her nose as if it was a nuisance.

"Why do parents brings noisy children to somewhere as sophisticated as this restaurant" she said

If it were Advi, Janani would have scooped him into her arms and held him close until he was okay.

Armaan cursed under his breath.

The purpose of this date had been to get over his attraction to Janani.

And all he had done so far is compare the woman to Janani and found her lackingm

"Er, Jasmine. I think it's time to leave" he said, looking pointedly at his wrist watch.

"It's Lilly," the woman said, her smile not slipping away from her face.

If it were Janani…

Okay. That's enough. You are not going there anymore, Armaan!!

What Janani thinks or does is none of your business.

The best way to get over her is to ignore her.

Out of sight!! Out of mind!!

Armaan had walked the woman towards her apartment and as they approached she had looked up puckering her lips waiting for his kiss.

He gave her a perfuctionary kiss on both her cheeks and bid a goodbye that made clear that he wouldn't be in touch anymore.