I pushed the wooden doors open.

And I’m welcomed by the hanging vines from the trees that sway gracefully with the humming breeze.

The crisp sound of my footsteps crashing every gold fallen leaves in the curb pathway.

The melody from the waterfalls echoes its burble sound, splits as it hits the rocks, calling me to get closer.

I kneel on the rocky edges and saw my face and a blurry image of a guy.

We are full of laughter and giggles as we run through the green bushes of wild lilies, sending a crossing deer to jump off from fear running to the opposite path.

I felt his warm hand holds tightly, complimenting my cold and clammy palm, guiding me towards the vast land of woods which encircles a secret and tricky sanctuary, the bubbling waterfalls.

We jump together on the rocky edges into the cold water, kissing our naked skin.

His body built speaks of sturdiness and strength and unusual markings.