“Darn it! Damien got the viral potion! And it means that they could have people contracted in one mistake!” I pulled my hair and yelled on top of my lungs since the wailing sound blasted on my ears as I entered the hallway.

My heart is pumping hard as my sneakers squeaking on the floor, Spike and his team following me.

“Master Crater, we could track down Damien with his clan in England. We are waiting for your go signal.” Spike scratching his mustache, it's like a habit when he's anxious.

“Damien and his clan are not our priority right now! We still have one vial, we need to push through the plan with Annie or Kai!”

[And why is it that the dungeon is very silent?]

I halted in front of the cell, “What the h***!!!” my voice booming in all walls.

“The dungeon is empty!!!! Where are Annie and Kai?!? You are all imbecile!” I could feel my blood boiling like fire heating every nerve in me while facing Spike and his people.