Chapter 2

Few blocks away from Olivia Grimes daughter's school, she packed her wrecked car and headed to her school.

She headed directly to the headmistress office while wondering what the old lady had to say

"Miss Grimes welcome. Have your seat" the headmistress said behind her table

"Good morning. I hope I'm not late" Olivia said as she sat on one of the chairs that was in front of the headmistress's table

"No. I call you here today because of your daughter, Kylie performance in school"

Olivia sighed heavily when she heard this. She knew what the headmistress was about to say

"Kylie's performance is bad. Her grades are too low. We're really worried about her. I'm sorry but i don't think she will be promoted to the next class"

Olivia felt like crying because she knew Kylie's low performance in school was her fault

"Is there anything we can help her" she asked while trying not to cry

The headmistress started cleaning her glasses

"I don't know. The girl isn't happy. We don't know why. You might know why"

Of course Olivia Grimes knew why but it wasn't her fault either it was his

"I don't know why" Olivia lied "But I will try to help her. Maybe some extra classes will wake her up"

When Olivia left the headmistress's office, she promised to save her daughter's education by tutoring her herself.

Olivia drove her car to a technician shop and took a taxi to her house


"Mr Scott" one of Jamie Scott's Managers, Miss Ciara called "what do you have to say about Mr Jackson's suggestion?"

When Jamie Scott didn't reply, Miss Ciara called him again "Mr Scott"

"Oh yes. Sorry. What are we talking about?" Jamie said

"We're talking about the new policy sir" Miss Ciara replied

"And what about it?"

The Managers were surprised by their Ceo's action. Jamie Scott was a man who played not with his job.

Upon reading his Managers reaction, Jamie sighed and said "this meeting is over. We will talk about it next time"

He rose onto his feet and walked out of the conference Hall

As he was heading toward his office, his personal assistant, Lucian Henry walked hurriedly toward him and said "Mr Scott you have another meeting with the staff in ten minutes


Lucian Henry looked at Jamie shocking before saying "Mr Scott..."

"You heard what I said. Cancelled"

"Okay sir. You have another meeting with..."

"Cancel all my meetings for today and meet me in my office ASAP"

"Okay sir"

Lucian Henry rushed to his office to drop some files before rushing back to Jamie's office

"I'm here sir" he said

"Sit down"

Lucian sat on one of the chairs that was facing Jamie and wondered what was troubling Jamie

"I had an accident this morning" Jamie said

"Oh my God!" Lucian said shockingly "Boss are you okay? How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. I'm okay. Thank you but I'm not telling you because I want you to pity me or something. I'm telling you because I want you to help me to find someone"

Lucian frowned "Find someone?"

"The lady that I hit this morning look exactly like her but she is not her"

"Her?" Lucian said confusedly

"She looked like Olivia Grimes but she said she is not her"

"And who is this Olivia Grimes that you're looking for?"

"A friend. Oh wait! Should I call her a friend? Maybe I should just say someone that I've met on few occasions"

"What do you know about her?"

"Her name is Olivia Grimes and she attended Dorton college"


When Olivia Grimes got to her apartment, she headed straight to her refrigerator and brought out a chilled beer. She walked slowly to a couch, opened her beer and took a gulp out of the beer. She was having a crazy headache due to the morning accident.

"Motherfucker" she swore when everything that happened that morning came back to her "You almost killed me" she added as she started crying

She kept drinking until she couldn't get out of the couch


Eight years ago

During the midnight, Dermot Owen sneaked out of the house and headed to Jeremy Andrew's house where the party was being held. He was desperate to see Olivia.

He wasn't expecting what he saw in Jeremy's house when he got there. The party was too wild and at every dark corners were a girl and guy smooching each other.

Dermot tried not to listen to them and he pretended not to see what was happening everywhere. Who he wanted to see was Olivia. He walked into the house and was welcomed by the loud music that was coming out of the speaker.

Dermot scanned the girls that were on the dance floor but none of them was Olivia. So, he climbed the stairs and searched for Olivia among the girls that were upstairs but none of them was Olivia.

After searching for ten minutes, Dermot concluded that Olivia didn't come to the party, so he tried to have a few drinks before going home.

He collected a glass of wine from a girl that was pretending to be the waitress and found a hidden spot to sit

"Jeremy said tonight" a girl that Dermot couldn't make out in the darkness said

"You mean Olivia's precious virginity?" Another girl asked and laughed

Dermot stopped breathing from shock and he tried to see the girls face but he couldn't.

When Dermot was back to his senses, he gulped down his wine in two seconds and got up angrily. He doesn't care if he spends the rest of his life in prison once he have delivered his message to Jeremy

He took two other drinks from the girl that was pretending to be a waitress. Drank one instantly and screamed into the girl's ear "Where is Jeremy's room?"

"What do you say? The girl screamed back

"Where is Jeremy's room?" He asked and drank the second glass in a go

"Upstairs. The second room by your right"

Without thanking the girl, Dermot headed to the second room by the right. He opened the door and saw Jeremy rough handling Olivia. His went crazy and had no idea what went down after that


"Jeremy stop" Olivia Grimes said while trying to push Jeremy away

"Your cunt is mine tonight" Jeremy growled while trying to separate her legs


"I'm burying myself deep inside of you tonight"

"I'm going to kill you!" Someone growled inside the room.

Jeremy instantly turned his head and looked at who it was but before he could tried to get, Dermot was already by the side of the bed.

Dermot forcefully dragged Jeremy out of the bed and sat on him instantly.

"I'm going to kill" Dermot growled again and started punching Jeremy who was in shock.

Within a minute, Jeremy's face was full of blood but Dermot still continued punching him

Olivia Grimes jumped out of the bed and knew she had to do something before things got out of hands

"Dermot!" she called "Stop! Dermot stop! You are going to kill him!" She said horrifyingly but Dermot still continued ramming punches at Jeremy

"DERMOT!" she screamed and tried to push him off of Jeremy

Dermot looked at her and saw her bruised cheeks. He became more infuriated and said "He hit you" with his hand in the air

Olivia touched her cheeks and said "Yes but it doesn't hurt at all"

"But he still hit you" he said and tried to punch an almost unconscious Jeremy

"Stop!" Olivia shouted "You are going to kill him"

"I don't care"

"I do care"

The madness that had descended on Dermot was hard to control but he controlled himself. If Olivia said he should stop, he will stop.

He looked at his blood stained hand and looked at Olivia's face. She was everything to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked Olivia as he slowly stood up. This was the first time they were communicating

"Yes" she replied slowly "You need to clean your hand and we need to get out of here"