Meet The Billionaire

The dark room was dimly lit by the two lamps that were sitting at each of the bedside tables, the moon did little to grace the room with its night lights from the window.

The bed is covered by a black-colored comforter and a white bedspread, on top of the bed is a crumpled shirt, black jean trouser, and a shoe. The headboard held the same color as the comforter, including the curtains and other cushions in the room.

"You bastard" a blonde woman, standing at the head of the bed in a red revealing nightdress, picked up her heels that were laying some meters away from her and threw one of them across the room.

The young handsome black-haired man in only his dark jeans, moved to the side to dodge the heel that was aimed in his direction as he let out a sigh.

“Look, Angela, we can talk about this and what happened here but please just stop thro-” his words were interrupted by the lamp that crashed on a wall that was some meters away from him.

He looked to the wall that just took the crash then back to the angry-looking woman who was glaring hard at him and was also breathing hard with eyes wide open.

He was pissed at that.

‘What the hell is wrong with her?’ he asked himself and instead of lashing out like he wanted to do, he closed his eyes and took in deep breaths then slowly let them out to calm his anger.

Now isn’t the time to get angry because from his experience with the female gender, getting angry when she is angry or even provoking her when she is in the ‘rage stage’ is totally a bad idea.

“My name isn’t Angela you prick” she screamed then threw a pen in his direction and he caught it.

She was now looking around to see what next, she could throw at him when he began speaking.

“Okay, Natalie let--” he was stopped when a hard blow, by her second heel met with his face.

Now he is really furious.

“Prevail, my name is Prevail, you bas-” she stopped when she saw him walking in her direction in quick steps.

There wasn’t any time to escape since he was already standing in front of her and was now holding her both wrists in a tight grip.

“I said that we will settle this Prevail, am I clear?” he asked not remembering what he has been saying that they will settle.

He just needed her out of the penthouse he was presently occupying so that he could have his night rest and later in the morning he can check the damage she caused to his face. He had brought her in earlier but wasn’t feeling it and she went all ballistic on him.

He let go of her wrist and pushed her lightly to the bed then took out his wallet from his back pocket and threw all the money inside at her.

“Here is your pay, now get lost,” he tells her and she immediately grabs the money and scurries away from his room.

He sat on the bed and put his face in his palm then let out a deep sigh and wondered if women knew the meaning of a ‘no-string attached’ fling.

“Never have an overdramatic woman in your home again… it is generally a bad idea” he commented under his breath and lay on his bed with his hand at the back of his head.

‘At least she isn’t crazy like the last one’ he thought with a smirk.


Dimitri Miguel Lorenzo, the second son of Donald Lorenzo a Spanish business mogul, and Patricia Lorenzo a former British hairstylist and makeup artist now turned businesswoman. He is New York City's most eligible bachelor/playboy as the media displays him.

The Lorenzos have a wide chain of businesses from hotels to restaurants to beauty salons, clothing lines, shipping, and many more running back home in Spain, here in New York, other states in the US, and in many countries in other parts of the world.

The handsome man with his shades sitting on top of his head full of black hair is seated with his best friend Aiden Cameron Stuart on his patio that is located in between the pool and the gazebo of his house.

He is wearing a multi-color stripe vest with a pair of brown khaki shorts and slides, Aiden has the same clothes on but he is wearing a cream khaki.

Aiden's blond hair is quite messy with him constantly running his fingers through it, he has a sexy five-o'clock shadow beard. The blue-eyed man has his shades on while he sips his coconut juice.

Dimitri enjoys hanging out with his family and friends, they are his priority, then business, and lastly... women he takes out to events.

"Be glad she took the money and didn't react as badly as the other girl, what's her name again? Hayley?" His Aiden said.

"Eunice, I guess," Dimitri said checking his face on the hand mirror he was holding, "I told her we can settle it but she still went ahead to throw the shoe at me" he muttered in annoyance.

He had a bad purple color on his cheek, he flexed his jaw to check if something was broken.

"Is it that bad?" he asked.

Aiden laughed. "Uh... not really and settle what? If I may ask"

"I can't remember, but whatever that made her throw things at me, I didn't want to make her anymore angry because"

"Making an already angry woman angry is absolutely a bad idea," they both said together.

"It is plain stupid" Aiden added. "Women are beautiful creations… perfect creations, why not appreciate their beauty, eh?" Aiden asked.

"You are totally correct bro"

"What are you guys talking about?" Caleb asked as he joined the men on the patio, he was holding a can of soda in his hand.

Caleb Elijah Lorenzo is Dimitri's cousin, they have been really close right from when they were little. Dimitri, his older brother Cade, and Caleb always dress up as superheroes saying they have to save the whole world.

When they were grown men, they will always laugh at how ridiculous they were to have thought they could save the whole world by dressing as superheroes.

Aiden joined their circle when they got into college. The four of them were inseparable until Cade finished college and decided to travel abroad to 'explore'.

Dimitri, Caleb, and Aiden were kind of sad they won't be seeing their 'Big Brother' as they call him. But he promised to be back soon, but that never happened.

It has been almost four years and Dimitri hasn't yet healed from what happened, it was hard on everyone, but Dimitri didn't take it easy. It was heartbreaking not to see the man he looks up to anymore.

Cade was the one always protecting Dimitri, keeping him on track, and the one looked up to. Dimitri loves his dad but Cade was more of the dad to him.

Their father was quite harsh on Dimitri 'like who could blame him?'. Dimitri wasn't a normal child to begin with, he was out of the ordinary.

"Women" answered Dimitri.

"I wondered why I asked when I already know the answer, should I ask about the injury you just sustained?" Caleb said and settled on the available chair.

"No,” Aiden answered for Dimitri then turned to Caleb “How’s everything man?" Aiden asked.

"Everything is fine man, just been busy with preparations" Caleb answered.

"What preparations?" Aiden asked.

"My engagement party… remember guys? My engagement party is next month" Caleb said looking from Aiden to Dimitri. "You guys don't remember?"

"You are getting married?" asked Dimitri.

"Yes, I told my Alina to send you guys the invites on WhatsApp, I am guessing she didn't send them to you, looking at how confused you guys seem," he said.

"If you told Alina to send Dimitri the invites, you should know she won't," Aiden said.

"She hates my guts" Dimitri adds.

"I wouldn’t say she hates you, she isn’t just pleased with your behavior, especially to the female gender” Caleb pointed.

"Same thing, she doesn’t like anyone to begin with" Dimitri shrugged.

"No, it’s just you and partly you" he pointed at Aiden who raised his hands up in surrender.

“Bruh! Women love me” Aiden leaned closer “Even them old grandmas” he winked.

“Oh please, don’t go there” Dimitri frowned.

"Whatever,” Aiden rolled his eyes then looks back at Caleb “Congratulations man I am so happy for you," he said offering Caleb a handshake.

"Congratulations, I am so happy for you Caleb," Dimitri said to him.

"I will email the invites to you both" Caleb assured.

"Will be expecting it," Aiden said "And my invite to be your best man" he added.

Dimitri gave Aiden a look and laughed "I am his cousin so I get to be his one and only best man, right cousin?"

"Look no fighting over the post of being the best man, okay? You both could take the duty" Caleb said.

Dimitri and Aiden looked at each other.

“I think I am a suitable man for the job, Caleb. I have clean records when it comes to women, I also have a beautiful date for that day…” Aiden paused for a while “That’s if she accepts to be” he shrugged, looking in thoughts.

“So, some girl is giving you a hard time?” Dimitri asked then shook his head. “No girl will ever make me a fool again”

“She is different and you can’t just base your opinion of people or certain things based off one person’s fault, they aren’t all the same”

"I heard you,” Dimitri said and turned to Caleb “I am glad for this great news you brought to us," said Dimitri.

"Thanks, man" they shake hands and hugged one more time. "Why don't you settle down?" Caleb asked.

Aiden looked at him with his brow raised, same with Dimitri.

“Settling down isn’t for me,” Dimitri shook his head and then drank the rest of his soda “Say all that talk with Aiden” he points to the blonde-haired man.

"Is it because of Da--"

"Don't even mention her name," Dimitri said with a raised but firm voice, his eyes glaring angrily at Caleb before they later softened after a moment. "Look I am sorry for snapping, but I don't want to talk about it at all, okay?"

"Sure, sorry" Caleb nods.

Dimitri's long-lasting relationship with his college sweetheart did no good to him, especially because when he got his heart and trust broken by his ex, he received the news about his brother’s demise. He didn’t look good or feel good through those times.

What she did leave a mark he will forever carry, trauma for him and scandal for his family, that was why he avoided anything that involved relationships, feelings, or whatsoever. He was done with that and nothing could change his mind about it.

"This calls for a celebration," Dimitri said after some time.

"We are going to paint the town rainbow," Aiden said.

"No, no, no I don't want an elaborate party, just with family and friends. Emily agrees too" Caleb said.

Dimitri’s eyes widened and Aiden almost spat out his drink when they heard the name.

"Seriously?" Aiden asked just at the same time Dimitri asked. "Emily?”