Anniversary/Announcement 1

She woke up and a smile made its way to her lips, she knew what today was a special day for her and her special someone.

Her hand made its way to his side of his bed but she felt just the sheets and opened her eyes to meet an empty bed, ‘Where did he go to?’ she wondered. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. It was just her in there so she looked to the bedside table to check the time.

‘Eight am’ it says. ‘Maybe he is in the shower’ she thought to herself but she didn’t hear any noise that would indicate someone is in the shower.

She sighs, rubbing the sleep off her eyes, she takes the comforter off her body and stands up from the bed. Her hair was a little messy ‘bed hair’ she yawned and walked towards the bathroom to wash her face, it was a little strange because her husband wouldn’t just leave that early since he is handing the most of the company to their son and even if he would leave so early he will surely drop a note, telling her why and where he is off to.

She entered the bathroom and switched on the lights then stood in front of the mirror to wash her face, she turned the faucet and water came running down, she put her both hands under to let some water in then bent to wash her face, after doing that for some time she stood straight and took her toothbrush and paste then put an okay amount then began washing her mouth.

She was done washing her teeth after some time and took the towel that was hanging some meters away from the mirror, she cleaned her face and decided to take a shower. She would call him after she was done washing up.


“Cheer up girl, it won’t be that bad” Sofia tried to talk to Audriana because of the sour look on her face.

She had that look since her meeting with Philip. After she left the restaurant she went straight to Sofia’s house and told her how it went. Sofia did feel sorry for the poor guy, but she kept telling her friend it would be okay.

“Look girl, don’t let how that guy's attitude is, get to're a fierce baby. Fierce!” Sofia said putting nude lipstick on Audriana’s lips “Now rub your lips together, like this” she instructed Audriana “Okay now that’s better. This is not the Audriana I knew, why would you let some guy with a difficult personality get to you? You told me you’ve had worse people talk and backlash you? Why let whatever he says irk you?” She completed her look with some brown powder.

“Girl, you look gorgeous” Sofia compliments and removes the cloth she used to cover the mirror “What do you think?” she asked when Audriana looked at herself in the mirror.

She had nude makeup on and Sofia wanted to fix some false lash on her eyes but when she wants to do so Audriana blinks like something huge entered her eyes and Sofia just ends up adding volume to her naturally long lash with the mascara.

Her golden curls were straightened and put up in a neat bun, with tendrils falling at both sides of her face, her lips were coated with nude lipstick and gloss to give that glow.

A smile formed on Audriana’s face and she looked up to her friend who had an expectant look on her face.

“You think you’re the lucky one that got me? Dude, I am luckier to have you as my friend, you made me look so beautiful...thank you” they hugged each other.

“Thank you, you’re a natural, the makeup just enhances what’s there. Look” she put her under Audriana’s chin so she could look at her. She raised her head to look up at Sofia “you are a very good-hearted, beautiful soul...don’t let him get to you, whatever silly comments he makes just ignore if he isn’t worth your time and energy then let it go”

She sits on the dresser table “Remember there are a lot of things this smart head of your need to do and think about, why then let a child distract you and make you lose focus or waste your precious energy. When he throws tantrums ignore him, he will let you be when you don’t react anymore... as you told me about all the stupid word that was thrown at you because you dedicate yourself to be the woman you are, let it pass, it doesn’t describe you or tells a story about you.”

“Remember you’re going to be staying together?” Audriana nods “don’t let him wear you out, unless…” she draws and stands up to go behind Audriana as they look at their reflection in the mirror.

Audriana raised an eyebrow up “unless what?” she asked when she didn’t continue.

“Unless maybe, just maybe you might have been drowned by his beauty a-- ow” Sofia rubbed the part that Audriana pinched.

Audriana puts her hands on her waist and gives her a playful warning look.

“What? Haven’t heard of ‘Opposite Attracts’?” Audriana raised her brow again “Oh my bad, I forgot my friend is such an old lady”

“Shut up already, we won’t work...I know that fact. Yes, I agree he is good-looking but he has a weird personality and I don’t like such a kind of person. Period” Sofia salutes with an ‘aye, captain’ and they burst out laughing.


Her dark hair was up in a messy bun and she had a sweatpant and one of her husband’s sweatshirts on. She was seated on one of the chairs on the balcony drinking tea and looking through the previous month's sales. She nodded her head and continued checking page by page, with the look on her face she was impressed with the reports and made a mental note to call for a meeting the next time she goes to the office.

She didn’t go to work today. She would have gone, if not for the message she got from her husband a few hours ago.

She was still kind of pissed at the same time worried. He left with no prior note or anything, if not that she had been calling him since morning he wouldn’t have bothered to send her a text or at least call.

The ringing of her phone brought her out of her thinking/worried state. She closed the book, placed it on the table, then picked up her phone to check the caller and saw that it was Moana.

A smile made itself to her lips and she slid her finger on the screen to pick up the call.

“Hi Moana, how are you doing?” she said to the phone.

“I am doing fine, how are you doing?” Moana said at the other side of the line.

“I am doing just fine, just a bit bored...where are you? Are you driving?” Patricia asked, noticing a car honking, then picked up the empty cup with the saucer to wash them in the kitchen.

“I am on my way to your place, I have a few things I need to show you”

“Okay, where exactly are you ?” Patricia put the cup and the saucer back to their respective place when she was done washing and drying them.

“I am at, ‘Hills saint centre park’”

“Okay, you’re close, I will be expecting your arrival, and please drive safely,” she said with a smile.

“Sure I will,” she hung up the phone and went to the living room to wait for her friend.

She checked the time ‘5:30 pm’ it reads, at least she would have a companion till her husband gets back home from work.


“Now smile,” Sofia told Audriana by putting her index finger at the tip of her mouth then drawing it to form a smile, then took her camera that had its strap on her neck. She checked the camera setting and adjusted the lights, then brought it closer to her eyes to take a picture of her friend.

“Seriously?” she asked frustratedly.

This is like the ninth attempt she had, trying to take a simple picture of her friend and all she gets is either a frown, her tongue stuck out, or Audriana making weird faces.

“Do I need to slap some sense to you before you behave and stay put?” Sofia asked with her hands on her hips.

“Do you have to take pictures of me?” Audriana asked back with a roll of her eyes. “I need some food, I am in just my bathrobe” she rubbed her stomach “and I am starving” she states.

“Yes I have to, so I will show them to your kids. They'll know what Aunty Sofia Maya Gabriella Ana De Leon can do, but don't worry, I will take some more when you get dressed,” she said with a flip of her hair and a wink.

Audriana just rolls her eyes and wonders why she has a long-ass name.

“It’s a gift baby, deal with it” Sofia with a flip of her hair, she didn't know she had said it out loud.

“And you can eat if you let me take at least six to eight pictures, and not goofy you, normal you, yes?” she asked.

“You’ll let me eat?” Sofia nods “okay, fine” Audriana agreed.

A smile found its way to Sofia’s lips and she instructed Audriana on how she would pose for their mini photo shoot.