Something About Feeling

She really didn’t understand what this was all about…

The feelings, her hammering heart that banged against her ribcage as he softly strokes her skin, and how she flushes because she could feel his gaze on top of her head.

Not knowing whether to look at him or just stay like that and continue flushing till her cheeks are too hot to flush.

‘The things he does to me’ she said in her mind.

“Are you sleeping?” his chest vibrated as he spoke and it made her heart skip.

“Er… n-no” she squeaked out and wanted to smack her head for sounding like that.

Who could blame her? When she is this close to him and her heart is reacting badly to him more than ever. Maybe it is love, she doesn’t know but she is aware of how much he affected her.

His words, his actions, how reacts to things… all of it gets to her and some make her want to kick him in the ass while the others want her to wrap her arms around him and be close to him forever.