A Little Explanation

She had tied her red hair up in a messy bun and had her body covered with her fluffy ash-colored bathrobe while she stands in her bathroom, in front of the mirror, and looked angrily at her beautiful appearance.

‘Those freckles are bad’ she thought to herself as she kept looking at them and wondered when or how she could get them off her face as she has always wanted to when she was a little girl.

… “They are ugly on you and you should be cursed for having them on your face” …

Those words were followed by a round of laughter from her supposed bullies when they looked at her face and the freckles scattered non her nose and cheeks.

Those words made her angry at the freckles that stained her not too perfect looking skin and there was nothing that could be done to get them off so she had to hide them with makeup that her step-father would buy for her when he felt like she was being a good girl.