Heaven's Dream

Yumiro stood boldly in the middle of the battleground. As a result of his success in resolving the quandary that arose inside the boss room.

[Monster's name: Green Frog 1 HP]

He darted his gaze to the area where he could see the visibility of the monster. Despite the fact that the area was encircled by thick brown dust as a result of the previous clash. It wasn't a big deal to him.

"There you are; allow me to end your life so you can rest in peace now." He dashed over to the monster's location.


He discovered the log-in during his walk, and the log-out icon now appeared on his function screen.


He furrowed his brows and smirked with his dusty face. He was about to put an end to the monster's life.

Yumiro drew the rabbit keen claw from his inventory, intending to seize the monster's core as quickly as he could.


His hands were covered in sticky blood. "It's bigger than the other monster's core I got." Yumiro was not surprised by this occurrence because the green frog had a large body.

A glowing red crystal the size of a rugby ball was in his grasp.


Following that, the brown dust was abruptly expelled. Then Yumiro had a clear vision for every nook and cranny of the vast platform.

As a result of the monster's erratic attack earlier, the ground was riddled with cracks. However, he paused for a few seconds after noticing an item dropped after the green frog vanished. It appears to have piqued the adventurer's interest.

He moved closer to it to get a better look at it. Then, with curious eyes, pick up the dropped item.

"Is it a ring?" He pondered this as he held the gleaming ring in his hand, which had an average green gem size in the center but appeared to be a jade stone.


A new widescreen flashed before his eyes, indicating the drop item details.

[Item name Asarki Ring>: when you take damage, your HP regenerates by 25% every minute. It has a +10 Vitality, a +50 Physical defense, and a +20 magical defense.

"It's been extremely beneficial to me in every way. Hmm... Then fine, I'll wear this ring even though it appears to be for a woman." He placed the ring on his index finger and proceeded to walk alongside the torches. "If I discover this ring isn't useful, I'll sell it right away."

[4:20 PM]

Yumiro saw the time on his view screen and mentally calculated that he had 10 minutes before his alarm went off. "I should log out so I can take my disgusting medicine on time, tch!" Before leaving, he looked around to make sure he hadn't missed any dropped items.

"It appears that's all, log out!" He simply clicked the logout icon and vanished from the virtual world.


On the other side of the bus, a young woman with ash black hair was seated. She was surfing social media, as she usually did when she was traveling after school class.

When the young woman with fluffy red hair beside her called her name, she paused from scrolling.

"Do you see the number one trending, Amiya?"

Amiya shook her head slowly. "Uh, it didn't get through on my feed, what is it, Hina?"

Hina displayed her smartphone while his index finger hair pointed furiously at the young man.

"Do you see what I mean? I've already read all of the comments, and they all say he defeated the green frog boss inside the forest." Hina said in a cheerful tone.

"So? There's nothing special about it, because all of the adventurers can now defeat that monster."

"I know, I know, but there's something intriguing about him. Because that man was only a level 12 adventurer and lacked a weapon."

"What exactly did you say? He must be cheating because the green frog requires at least two levels, 10 adventurers, and an average Zexel before it can be defeated. That's exactly what we did."

"Amiya, you make me laugh. You are aware that cheaters do not exist in VR World. But do you recall? When we were fighting that monster, our health power was nearly depleted."

Amiya nodded, agreeing with Hina's words. "Yes, you are correct. But who is this man? Draigh G-Grim?" As he tried to recall the man's face, she frowned her brows. "Jeez... I couldn't see him very well."

Because the image was obscured by the thick dust, Amiya could only see the glowing whiskey eyes. As a result, she was struggling to describe the man's face.

The moderator programmed the adventurer's appearance in the VR world to change slightly after registration. Then, once you've met the requirements, edit it. It wasn't to be cool; it was to prevent the personal information of those adventurers from being leaked. For those adventurers who wanted to enjoy the game without being bothered by other players.


Then, all of the wealthy businessmen who had invested in the VR game appeared, looking for a new opportunity.

"You should do everything you can! We must recruit this man to join our side, even if we have to pay millions or billions of dollars for him."

"Hurry! Look for that man's information!"

"Hey! Posts his photos on all social media platforms and offers money in exchange for the man's identity!"

As I previously stated, they were a group of wealthy individuals who hired all of the new players for a single purpose. They were the advance parties that could clear a high-level dungeon in just one day, and it was to clear the legendary dungeon located at Heaven's Dream.

The item that the adventurers could bring in the real world if they succeeded in clearing the Legendary Dungeon was the main reason why they kept spending millions or billions of dollars.

The legendary Dungeon was well known among all gamers or adventurers who had attained a higher level since having the opportunity to step on the Heaven's Dream. And the Legendary Dungeon that businessmen were talking about was the high dark tower with 120 floors... Then, on each floor, there was a high-level monster, similar to the dungeon boss on the mainland.

How did they manage to defeat the legendary dungeon? If each floor contained tough monsters or powerful magical abilities capable of killing any adventurer with a single swipe of their arms. Even if they made it to the top of the dungeon, there was no guarantee they would survive the legendary boss.


"Ahh! What a dull existence! Where is Amiya? Is she still missing?" Yumiro said to himself as he forcefully swallowed his medications, which he had been taking for several years.

"I'm speaking of." When Yumiro heard the screeched sounds of tires outside his house, he put his hands on each wheel of his wheelchair and began to push it.

Following his room, the path was straight and suitable for his condition. Even though he touched the doorknob, the door clicked as the woman in front of him slowly entered and smiled as she saw him.

"What are you doing, brother?" While slowly removing her school shoes, she said in a honeyed tone.

"I heard the bus is coming, so I'll open the door for you." He responded.

"You're so sweet, brother, but you didn't need to do that for me because you just need to focus on yourself."

"But that's the only thing I can do for you, even if it's a small thing," he said weakly.

"I understand you, brother; I just don't want to cause you any trouble." She sighed as she dragged his brother back to his room.

"I didn't have a difficult time, Amiya. Actually, I'm delighted to assist you." As they approached his room, his wheelchair came to a halt.

"Okay, if you really want to, I agree. However, don't push yourself too far." She said this while assisting his brother to lie down on the bed.

"Thank you so much, Amiya!" Then he noticed the VR helmet next to him. He remembered every question about the game. "Amiya, I have a few questions for you. In theVR World what is the equivalent of monsters core?"

"It depends on the size and color," she hurriedly replied.

"I'm sorry, brother, but I can't answer your questions right now because I need to prepare the food for our dinner and study for the exams." She said it in a pleasant tone.

"I see... That's all right, Amiya. I'll ask you the next time. Please contact me if you require any assistance."

"Thank you, brother; I will!" She whirled and turned to leave the room, but she came to a halt when Yumiro called her.

"Amiya, would you mind if I played for a few more hours while I waited for you?" He was holding the VR helmet that he was attempting to wear.

"No problem, but don't forget to return by 7:00 PM, have fun."

5:00 p.m.>

"I'll make a promise, thank you!" Yumiro put on the VR helmet and tapped the green button to log in after spitting those words.

The Helmet emitted a strong radiance once more, which was usually the reason he was dazzled when he stepped back into the VR world.


The Adventurer Capital was surrounded by strong adventurers because they knew a level 13 adventurer could enter here. They appeared to be waiting for Yumiro to arrive.

His vision had yet to recover from the radiance, and then there was a woman who yanked him and dragged him to the other location.

"W-Wait! What exactly are you?!"