Where it all began

Azalel was held in a dark cold place. He was not even allowed to take a step out. As though he could, he can barely move a finger even if he try.

"Master," he heard Lucas's voice.

"Where are you?"

"I'm almost there. I shall get you out as soon as I can."

"No, don't." they spoke through telepathic means. "I will find a way to get myself out. As for you, find a way to warn the angels of my father's plan."

"Are you planning to rebel against your father?"

"No. I want to get to him first. And kill him. So that Muriel's safety will be guaranteed."

"I shall do as you say. I'll come back after relaying your message. Be strong and wait for me to come back."

He let out an amused laugh.

"Are you worried about me, Lucas?"

"I'd rather serve a spoiled prince like you. Than your father. So, do hang in there until I came back."

"Roger that, my friend." he didn't hear Lucas made a reply. But he was sure did not to expect to hear that word from the prince of darkness himself.


The war of heaven's broke out. But the angels had already prepared for the battle. And they were almost winning when Azalel arrived with Lucas.

"It's a good thing that you asked me to warn them. If not, there would definitely more fatalities on their side.

Even if Azalel wanted to go front and help the angels. He can't since his wounds are still fresh. And moving around wasn't an easy task.

"Have you seen Muriel?" he asked remembering his father's last words after leaving him for death.

"Earlier, he was the one to sound the trumpet. Announcing a coming invasion from our side."

"I have to find him." he tried to walk. But the more he did, blood comes rushing like a stream from the wounds inflicted on him.

"Stay here, I'll go find him myself." Lucas inisited. And left him not far from the battle ground.


Lucifer was taken a back on how the angels have prepared for the battle on such short notice. His demons was about to be gone. As the angels slay them one by one.

He scanned the place and found a very amusing sight.

His God forsaken son. Had his back on a rock near the battlefield bleeding out.


"I knew there was something wrong from the beginning. Turns out it was you who betrayed me."

Azalel was blinded by the light upon looking up to see who spoke. Though he knew too well who it would be.

He smiled mockingly to his father.

"Even if I die today. And never be born again. I'll do the same thing over and over." he managed to say in between his gasp.

"Haven't I told you, that if you even try to lay a finger on Muriel. I will do everything to destroy everything you had ever worked for. Wether it is now or the next ones. I won't let you hurt the one I love. Not anymore."

"We'll see about that." Lucifer drew a fire ball more pure and deadly as the last one. He knew that this time, his father would really end his life. "After I'm done with you. I'll make sure your beloved angel suffer's the most. In an excruciating pain."

Azalel shut his eyes accepting his fate for the last time.

If I can see you again after this life. I will sure to come up to you and ask you to be with me for eternity. He said relaying those words to someone.

Don't you dare die on me. he heard Muriel say. As the angel rushed to cover him. Accepting his father's wrath.

His eyes opened wide in disbelief.

That was when Angel Michael strucked his sword on his father's body. Having him lay on the ground wounded and unable to move.

Muriel was gasping continously as he reached for Azalel's wounded face.

"You shouldn't have let him hurt your beautiful face." Muriel muttered.

He held up his sword and showed Azalel's face turn into the image of a mortal.

"I like you more this way." Muriel's smile had always made his heart flutter. But this time it broke his heart to pieces. For he knew it woud be the last time he might see it.

"No. No, don't go. You can't leave me this way. I did everything to get back to you. You can't leave me. Do you hear me? You can't leave."

"I'm sorry," the hand that grasp Azalel's face turned cold. And fell lifeless infront of him.

He was left in shock and couldn't say anything else.

This isn't true. He told himself. How could an archangel perish like that? It wasn't posible. He insisted in his mind.

He slowly laid Muriel careful not to hurt his delicate body. Taking the sword the angel once owned. And stood infront of his wounded father.

He lifted the sword and was about to stroke it into its heart. When he suddenly vanished into thin air.

Azalel felt his sanity leave his body. He started shouting and calling for his father's name.

Good thing that his wounds prevented him from rushing to his father's den. And by all means killing him.

He turned and saw Muriel's body once more. He instantly dropped to his knees. Feeling it weakened.

He crawled next to the angel. And held both his cheeks on his bloody palm.

"I will surely find you. If not in this life, I'll wait for the next. But trust me, I will find you. And I will never let anyone hurt you again. I promise." after that, all things around him turned black.

The next thing he knew. He woke up in the highest mountain not far from the holy ground. His powers did not work there. While lucas accompany him until he was fully healed.

They were only allowed to leave after thousands of years.