Axel was caught unprepared with one of Asmon’s deadly attack’s. Along with a slash from one of it’s claw. He fell unsteadily on his knees.
He was about to be attacked again when Muriel stood to protect them both with a barrier. The latter later then charged to fight Asmon.
Though badly wounded. Axel dismissed the thought of pain and helped as much as he can to contain the demon enemy. Luckily, their tag-team worked. Leaving Asmon in a state of unconciousness.
The two stood awkwardly facing each other while catching their own breaths. After a fight that took almost all of their strenght.
“Does it still hurt?” Muriel cared to ask.
And it somehow brought hope to Axel that Urie might still be somewhere trying to exist.
“Are you really-,” he tried confirming but his words won’t come out.
Muriel in a cold tone said to him. “The one that you loved doesn’t exist anymore. He’s only a part of my subconcious now. You know too well that you two can never be together.”