Walking to the outside of New Haven, Kane was greeted by Brick, Mordy, Roland, Lilith, and of course, Luna. "You two are going as well?" Kane asked, looking to Lilith and Roland.
"Brick has been telling us how fun it is, plus we get to fight a hulking Skagg monster, so it should be fun no matter how we look at it." Lilith said, definitely the more talkative of the two.
According to Brick, both Lilith and Roland had already started fucking a few days ago, but they weren't in any relationship that Brick knew of.
Brick was special like that, loving any topic that was either dirty or bloody. If the topic just so happened to have both, Kane was sure Brick would have a field day.
'I'm guessing they will deal with Atlas, then after a few weeks, they'll go to Elpis for their little getaway.' Kane thought, knowing they would get in a relationship sometime soon, but would breakup for some reason or another at a later date.
"Where are your suits?" Kane then asked, noticing that only Brick and Mordy were fully geared up in gliding suits he had given them.
Looking a little abashed, Lilith replied, "Brick said you had some extra's we could borrow. Is that cool?" Turning an annoyed gaze to Brick, he just flipped the man off, then pulled two suits out of his inventory.
He actually had a few hundred suits like these, but they weren't cheap by any means, but considering how lucrative stealing had been recently, he could afford to splurge a little.
For his part, Brick still kept his happy-go-lucky attitude, and didn't bother reacting to the hateful gesture. "Take care of those, cause they're the only ones you're gonna get from me for free." Kane said, then waited until they changed into them.
"Either of you two ever glided before?" Kane asked when the two came back from behind a mountain of scrap metal and rust. Roland said he had, but Lilith said this would be her first time.
"Well... no better time to learn then by doing it. Plus with three experienced gliders, I'm sure you won't die. Probably." Kane said, earning himself a nervous laugh from Lilith.
The woman never did back down from a challenge though, so she was still going, which was another thing Kane liked about her.
She knew absolutely nothing of her powers in the game, yet she still managed to fight against three of the major Corporations and come out on top. Granted she did have help from the other three Vault Hunters, but she still played a big role, and Kane wanted to see if she would still get as far this time around.
Roland went over everything he knew about gliding to Lilith, visibly alleviating some of her fear about the potentially life ending flight.
"You'll like this, Lil!!" Brick shouted right before they were teleported a kilometer into the sky, then Kane appeared next to them, sending them even further into the air. "Have fun!!" He shouted as they all got their barring's and began gliding, Lilith taking to it better than Kane would have thought.
After seeing everyone start gliding away, their speed increasing with each passing second, and Lilith doing surprisingly well for her first time, Kane went back to New Haven when a thought occurred.
Athena was suppose to contact Brick and the others to help her take down Knoxx and the rest of the Atlas corporation here on Pandora anytime now, and then Athena would wander around for a few weeks until getting the summons from Handsome Jack to go to Helios, but to him that just seemed like a waste of money.
There was so much Atlas tech and resources that were destroyed after they killed Knoxx by pushing the self destruct button, so why not just help himself to some free money before he goes.
He wouldn't even need to kill anybody, just teleport in at night, grab as much crap as he could, then leave and wait until Athena went on a rampage to kill everyone associated with the corporation.
"I talked myself into it!!" Kane shouted, planning to hit Atlas as soon as night fell, which would be in about 32 hours.
In the game, Marcus had taken the majority of the weapons from Atlas, but because they did something to them, he couldn't sell them properly and eventually made a deal with Reis for a share of Atlas. Kane would still let Marcus make some money off the weapons, but there was no reason he couldn't make some money either.
Kane was broken out of his little moment as a hand landed on his shoulder and spun him around. "YOU!!!" An extremely pissed off Helena Pierce shouted, glaring murder at him.
Not wanting to listen to the woman, Kane teleported her back out of town to where she was the first time, then decided to get some info on where Atlas' main base was located. He would figure everything out after that, and he knew just who to talk to.
"You want to know where Atlas is located?" Tannis asked, curious as to why Kane contacted her about them. "Yup. Bases, defenses, and anything else you can tell me about them." Kane said, getting a blank stare from Tannis in return.
"And you felt the need to come all of the way here, instead of sending me and ECHO?" She asked, her suspicion evident, if her pointed look was anything to go off of anyway.
Seeing her accusing stare, Kane came right out with it. "Do you wanna fuck?" He asked, figuring the worst she could do was say no, and trying to seduce a woman who hated speaking to people because they were all too stupid to understand her... well, let's just say that sweet talking was thrown out the window.
She stared at him for a long moment, until finally shrugging her shoulders, "Sure. I must say, I am a little tense, and this might be just what I need to clear my head." Before she was even finished speaking, Kane was already out of his clothes and walking towards her.
Her being fully clothed didn't matter as he lifted her into his arms and pinned her against the wall, his hands roaming every part of her body. It took Tannis a moment to realize, but her clothes had somehow been removed without her knowledge.
Before she could question Kane on how that happened, she was flipped upside down in a standing 69 position. Her questions would have to wait.
"Here is everything I have on Atlas." Tannis said, still breathing heavily with sweat covering her body. Kane barely registered what she said as he took the thumb-drive, still breathing deeply, relishing this feeling for what could be the last time for awhile.
He still couldn't feel his legs, and for the life of him, he couldn't figure out how she managed to do that. "Would you care to explain how you removed my clothes?" Tannis asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Magic." Was all he said in response, then as if to prove his point, he made some high tech computers, food, water, clothes, and other fineries that he had stored away in his inventory appear before them.
At first Tannis believed she was having another hallucinations, but after touching the stuff and sampling some of the food, she came to the realization that she was in fact, not imagining everything.
Snapping her gaze towards the cause of all this, she bore her eyes into his soul, trying with all her might to dig out his secrets. "You are a SIREN!!" She finally shouted, the truth dawning upon her as she studied his naked body, and the odd tattoos he had.
She didn't really put two and two together before because as far as anybody knew, Sirens could only be female, and had blue tattoo's, but the proof of all the universe knew being wrong was sitting naked in front of her.
"OH!! How marvelous! I've had sexual intercourse with the first ever recorded male Siren!! I must record my findings!!" She said excitedly, not even bothering to wait for him to confirm whether he was a Siren or not.
Before she could get to her ECHO recorders, Kane made everything he just brought out of his inventory disappear, while also taking all of Tannis' own equipment.
"Be careful what you say in these things! You never know who's listening!!" Kane said, hinting that someone could be listening to them at that very moment, which had some truth to it.
Angel, being a technopath of sorts was able to re-write the code of things as long as it had a certain frequency or something, allowing her to be one of the universes best spies. Kane knew of that, so he advised Tannis to not spill the proverbial beans, so to speak.
"What do you expect me to do then, write all of this down?!!" Tannis asked, a little exasperated with the whole situation. She didn't particularly care if someone was listening to her, although it was disturbing, she had other things to worry about.
"Come with me." He said, and without waiting for her approval, Kane made them both disappear, then reappear high into the sky. Tannis didn't even get the chance to scream before they teleported a few hundred times in quick order, only to stop somewhere between the Highlands and the Frozen Wastes, standing atop a large mountain.
"Where are we?" Tannis asked, more calmly than Kane would have thought given the situation. "This is my home." Kane answered, glancing at the still naked woman.
Looking around them, there wasn't anything in sight other than rocks, trees, and some running water. "Wait, what?" Tannis asked aloud, then inspected the area again.
"This place gets the clean water from the glaciers, and is probably one of the only places where humans fear to go. No monsters come here because of my deterrents, and the odd one that does come through, is dealt with accordingly." Kane said, then walked over to the side of a cliff face.
"Open up, Radar. It's me." Kane shouted out, seemingly to no one, but the next instant, over a dozen small turrets appeared out of nowhere and pointed lasers at Tannis, ready to erase her very existence.
"And Guest!" Kane quickly added, causing the turrets to shut down and disappear, followed by the side of the mountain beginning to open up. He had forgotten about that little detail.
He remembered it from a cartoon in his previous world, and it was quite genius to him. The only reason he had forgotten about it was that he had never invited anyone over, cause he didn't want to.
Walking into a hallway, Tannis froze once again when the floor opened up beneath her and a lightning rod came down from the ceiling and hovered an inch away from her back. There were also a few dozen more turrets aiming lasers at her again, so she stayed as still as a statue.
"Hehe, oops... She's really a guest!" Kane called out, causing the secondary defenses to go back inside the walls. "A little... extra precaution." Kane said as he continued on his way into the base, wondering if there were other security measures he had forgotten about.
Tannis stared in awe as the interior of the building lit up, showcasing the most advanced building she had ever seen in her life. Following Kane along silently, Tannis studied everything with a keen eye, breaking certain components down, and understanding the function of most things with just a glance.
She was stunned once more when she heard a smooth robotic voice appear seemingly out of nowhere, "Welcome home, Sir. I see you've brought a guest. Is this some special occasion, or are you finally going to stop being an anti-social worm?" Radar said, getting a chuckle from Kane.
"Thanks, Radar. And no! I'll stick with the whole anti-social thing I got going. However, if things turn out like I think they will, this will be her home until we get back. Maybe." Kane said, his words causing Tannis to snap her head in his direction.
"What did you say?" She asked, not believing she heard correctly.
"In a few days, Luna, Radar and I will be leaving Pandora to go train somewhere else. Radar of course will be able to still be here and with us at the same time, keeping tabs on my home. I figured you may as well use it.
It's equipped with the greatest defense on Pandora, has the most advanced technology from anywhere in the known galaxy, living accommodations that literally don't exist anywhere else from here to the next two planets over, and more resources than you could use in a lifetime."
After everything he said, Radar brought up an image before their very eyes, showing each thing Kane described as a virtual image. "And you want to let me stay here?" Tannis asked, biting down her excitement.
People everywhere thought she was insane, and there might be some truth to that, but she was probably the smartest person on the planet. She just liked her privacy, and hated dealing with the incompetency that was everyone else on Pandora.
"For the next few years, yeah. I'll be coming back at least once a year to check up on the place, and it wouldn't be any trouble to keep the place stocked with all the provisions you'd need. There are a few vehicles in the garage, but if you need something and don't want to go get it yourself, Radar is perfectly capable of leaving the base and getting it." Kane said, knowing the woman hated outside human contact.
He was still stunned that she actually slept with him, and could tolerate his existence, but he guessed that was because she had been alone for so long that she craved human contact.
He had listened to her ECHO logs from the game, but they didn't do the real things any justice. Listening to them had been an experience he would rather forget if he was being honest.
Not surprisingly, Tannis agreed to live here. When Kane showed her to her room, she was a little taken aback. It was like a miniature house within the base, completely furnished with a bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchen.
According to Kane, there were close to 50 identical rooms like this in the base, and there were also a larger living room area for everyone to hang out in. Tannis almost orgasmed when she saw the bathroom, having to lean against the door frame when she saw a tub that could easily fit 5 people with more settings than any tub under the Sun should have.
Being still naked, she decided it would be best to test it out, you know, to make sure it was up to her standards.
The joy of such advanced technology, was that Kane could get an unlimited supply of filtered water, and could have it heated up to any temperature in seconds. The tub was filled in mere moments, but before Tannis could enter, Kane pointed out a shower next to it, hinting she should scrub herself down so she wouldn't be soaking in filth.
Kane was about to join her in the tub, but she shooed him out the door before he could, much to his annoyance. Over an hour later, Tannis emerged from the bathroom, looking more pleased then when they had sex, which again annoyed Kane.
To be fair, she, like most of Pandora's residents, didn't have access to running water, let alone hot water for that matter. Still, that didn't seem to be enough to appease Kane. 'Beaten by a God damned tub... how humiliating.' He thought as Tannis followed him around the place, already claiming most area's for herself.
She was over the moon when Kane brought out the most delicious sandwiches she had ever tasted, followed by juices she had only ever read about.
He did mention his own bar, but she had declined immediately, saying something about not wanting her intelligence to drop to stupid normal people levels, followed by a 'No offence' towards Kane, which just made his eye start twitching.
'I'm already regretting this.' Kane thought. To be fair, the main reason he chose to do this was to let Tannis avoid the tortures from Jack and Wilhelm, while also having Radar keep watch over her and any of her research notes.
Kane knew that with her power, Angel could hack into most places easily, but with Radar always there to change the code to the facilities, and making sure any information was stored away off the grid, he hoped she wouldn't be able to find this place for Jack.
Granted he could have just killed the man, but he was helpful in creating some places and erasing most of the bandit population. And those infernal Claptraps. Kane hated those idiotic things to no end, promising that if Jack didn't destroy all of them, then he would.
"This place is truly paradise!" Tannis exclaimed before taking another bite of her sandwich. "Funny. Those are the exact words Luna used to describe it. Perhaps I should name it such, considering it seems to fit perfectly." Kane said, getting a shrug in return.
Tannis didn't care one way or the other if the place had a name, as long as she could stay here. "Radar, from now on, we're gonna start calling this place, Paradise. Okay?" Kane said, getting a 'Yes Sir.' In response from the robotic voice.
Hearing the robotic voice, Tannis began talking with it as if she was talking to her closest friend, and surprisingly Radar seemed like he was enjoying talking to someone of Tannis' intellect.
Kane listened as Tannis gave the AI insights into certain pieces of technology, and in return, Radar began telling all he/she knew about the vaults, Eridian technology, and Sirens.
"Before I forget, I just wanna remind you to keep the existence of this place a secret from the rest of the universe, otherwise we'll have everyone and their dog trying to reach here." Kane said, getting a raised brow from Tannis.
"Why would I bring anyone here? If I were you, I would not have even brought myself here, although I am pleased that you did." Tannis said, speaking the truth. Of the two of them, he was the one most likely to invite others here, which he already did.
"Fair enough. Anyway if you have any questions, just ask Radar." Kane said, then as an after thought he added, "Oh, my spaceship is off limits to everyone but me. So no touchy."
He then went about putting all of her belongings on a large table. Feeling that most of this would be better off in a donation bin, the two of them proceeded to copy any information down and upload it into Radar's database, then wiped the old stuff before Kane did just that.
Sure, he could have just stored it away for later, but he hated all of the useless junk lying around, and he didn't want it filling up his Inventory.
The only things that were kept were her clothes, the Vault Key, and 4 experimental prototype devices she was working on.
"You know, with the resources here, you could recreate these things out of proper material instead of scraps that look as though they are gonna fall apart any second." Kane said, earning a thoughtful glance in return.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get into my pants again." She said, getting a look of mock outrage. "How dare you insinuate such a thing!! I have way more enticing things to get into your pants." Kane said, causing both of them to laugh.
His laughter was brought to a pause when his ECHO device started buzzing before Brick's voice could be heard. "HEY KANE!! Something happened to Luna! She absorbed some of that Eridium stuff, was super badass, then passed out! She's breathing okay, but she's not waking up!" Brick shouted in a panic.
Kane was momentarily panicked, but before he could ask what happened Brick explained the problem, which calmed him down. This was her first time being able to absorb Eridium, and she must have used too much, or her body couldn't adjust to the new power as quickly as his did.
Then again, her body was still not as strong as a regular person her age, so it could be that. "Relax, Brick!! She's okay. Her body just wasn't prepared for the spike in power. I'll be there in a few minutes." Kane said, his words causing Brick to take a few deep breaths to calm down.
"Okay. I'm uploading our coordinates now." Brick said before the ECHO device shutoff.
Turning to Tannis, Kane said "Well, I should be back in a bit. If you need anything, just send me an ECHO."
Getting a nod, Kane walked to the doors, then teleported into the air before he was off to Trash Coast, his thoughts going to Luna. 'So she finally managed to absorbed the stuff... nice.'